9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
9-4-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
8/29/2024 11:59:50 AM
Creation date
8/29/2024 11:57:48 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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10 <br /> DRAFT <br /> 186 Marilyn Carter: And I'll just note, I support this request because it's consistent with the direction of moving <br /> 187 toward more developments that implement conservation clusters, so this is very <br /> 188 consistent with our strategic plan. <br /> 189 Adam Beeman: I have a second, all in favor? Against? <br /> 190 MOTION BY Lamar Proctor to approve the Zoning Atlas Amendment. Seconded by Statler Gilfillen. <br /> 191 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY <br /> 192 Adam Beeman: All right, motion passes. <br /> 193 AGENDA ITEM 8: MAJOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT:To review and make a recommendation to the <br /> 194 BOCC on a Preliminary Plat application for a Major Subdivision named Stonewall. The <br /> 195 Plat is consistent with the Concept Plan reviewed and approved by the Planning Board in <br /> 196 April 2024. The proposal is for an 18-lot subdivision on approximately 36.36 acres with <br /> 197 47.9% (17.42 acres) of dedicated open space. The parcel is located on Miller Road in the <br /> 198 Hillsborough Township, PIN 9875-64-5097. <br /> 199 Patrick Mallett: Next item that you have on your agenda is a major subdivision flexible development. This <br /> 200 is the preliminary plat; it's commonly known as the Stonewall Subdivision. It's off of Miller <br /> 201 Road. This was Ashley Moncado's case but given the weather and the fact that she lives <br /> 202 far away I said I'll take this case forward for you. Unlike the previous case, this is like the <br /> 203 Lawrence Road Subdivision that you heard during the summer. It's not a zoning, it's a <br /> 204 major subdivision process. The circumstances are different, and it is meeting all the <br /> 205 requirements required in Section 7 of our UDO. That process you go from a concept plan <br /> 206 to a preliminary plan and then the final plat. The subdivision is proposing a degree of <br /> 207 open space and single-family lots. This outlines the process, this is where we are, the <br /> 208 preliminary plat, that goes on with a recommendation just like a rezoning goes to the <br /> 209 commissioners. They consider it, if approved, then a final plat is prepared with other <br /> 210 documents and recorded with land records through the register of deeds. Like I said, the <br /> 211 site is over northeast of Hillsborough off of Miller Road. This shows the pin, the township, <br /> 212 a rural site, currently it's 36.36 acres, and the applicant is Kevin Currin, Grayrose <br /> 213 Properties. This property is actually split zoned slightly, there's, the area in green is <br /> 214 zoned rural buffer, the area in yellow is rural residential or R1. It's in the Lower Eno, <br /> 215 Unprotected watershed. There are no other overlay districts. Future land use <br /> 216 designation, rural residential, agricultural residential, this is the COCA which drives what <br /> 217 they can do in terms of service and densities. The summary of the subdivision is flexible <br /> 218 development plan, so it has a road, common open space, they're proposing a total of 18 <br /> 219 lots. The average lot size is 40,012 square feet, that's just under, that's pretty close to an <br /> 220 acre. The area in open space is 17.42 acres, that totals 47.9 percent in open space. <br /> 221 There's a breakout of the open space in primary and secondary, you may recall, last go <br /> 222 round with the major subdivision we had different tiers of open space, primary open space <br /> 223 is intended to preserve naturally sensitive areas, steep slopes, stream buffers, areas of <br /> 224 historical or cultural significance and then secondary open space which can be used for <br /> 225 more active like uses. The buffers and setbacks 40 feet from the rights-of-way including <br /> 226 the new road that they would build 20 feet from the sides and the rear and a 30-foot type <br /> 227 B buffer. There's also a perimeter building setback of a hundred feet. Access would be <br /> 228 via a 50-foot public right-of-way and it's a DOT ultimately accepted road. They'd be <br /> 229 served with individuals wells and septic systems, and they're making a payment in lieu for <br /> 230 their park and rec fee. That's pretty standard with these types of subdivisions. This is the <br /> 231 overall layout, you can see they're basically drawing a singular road, terminating in a cul- <br />
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