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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: September 5, 2024 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 8-k <br /> SUBJECT: Amendment to the Professional Services Contract with Gensler Related to <br /> Community Engagement and the Greene Tract Master Plan <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Contract Amendment Perdita Holtz, Deputy Director, 919- <br /> 245-2578 <br /> Cy Stober, Director, 919-245-2592 <br /> PURPOSE: To approve and authorize the County Manager to sign a contract amendment on <br /> behalf of Orange County to extend the professional services contract with Gensler, a firm currently <br /> providing services for community engagement for the Greene Tract Master Plan. <br /> BACKGROUND: At its November 14, 2023 Business meeting, the Board of County <br /> Commissioners (BOCC) authorized a contract with Gensler to provide professional services for <br /> community engagement regarding a Master Plan for the Greene Tract. Materials for the meeting <br /> can be viewed at: <br /> The staffs of the three property owners (Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill and <br /> Carrboro) have been working diligently and consistently with the consulting team and an <br /> Engagement Team that includes community members. Two well-attended community workshops <br /> have been held along with the other work and deliverables included in the scope of work. A final <br /> community open house presenting the proposed Master Plan (which is being designed by Thomas <br /> & Hutton under a separate contract) is scheduled for September 22, 2024 at Morris Grove <br /> Elementary School. The consulting team and staffs will then present the engagement work and <br /> Master Plan to the three separate governing boards during the first half of October 2024. <br /> Due in part to the desire to avoid public meetings during certain times of the year, the original <br /> contract timeline must be extended to accommodate completion of the contract tasks. The current <br /> term for the contract with Gensler is from December 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024. The contract <br /> amendment proposes extending the term to October 31, 2024. This is the sole change in the <br /> contract, and no additional costs for community engagement will be incurred by the County or <br /> Towns. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The existing contract for Gensler's services is for a maximum of$244,800. <br /> No additional costs will be incurred as a result of the contract amendment (Attachment 1). <br /> Pursuant to the 2021 Greene Tract Interlocal Agreement (ILA), Orange County, Chapel Hill, and <br /> Carrboro split the contract costs on percentage basis of 43/43/14, respectively. As the contract <br /> holder, Orange County pays the consultant and then submits invoices to the Towns for <br /> reimbursement. <br />