Agenda - 09-05-2024; 8-i - North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program - Orange County Sheriff’s Office Police Traffic Services and Approval of Budget Amendment #1-B
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-05-2024 Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-05-2024; 8-i - North Carolina Governor’s Highway Safety Program - Orange County Sheriff’s Office Police Traffic Services and Approval of Budget Amendment #1-B
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Last modified
8/29/2024 11:34:39 AM
Creation date
8/29/2024 11:43:18 AM
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Agenda for September 5, 2024 BOCC Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2024\Agenda - 09-05-2024 Business Meeting
Minutes 09-05-2024 - Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2024
ORD-2024-022-An Ordinance amending the Orange County zoning atlas
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-023-An Ordinance amending the Orange County zoning atlas
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-024-An Ordinance amending the Orange County zoning atlas
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-025-Professional services contract with Development Finance initiative UNC School of Government for pre development services for the greene tract and approval of budget amendment #1-A
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-026-Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget Amendment #1
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-027-North Carolina Governor highway safety program Orange County Sheriff's Office police traffic services and approval of budget amendment #1-B
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
ORD-2024-028-Amendment to the Professional Services Contract with Thomas & Hutton for the Greene Tract Master Plan and Approval of Budget Amendment #1-C
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2024
OTHER-2024-060-Zoning Atlas Amendment – 1031 Frazier Road, Mebane, Cheeks Township
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
OTHER-2024-061-Zoning Atlas Amendment – Dimmocks Mill Road Hillsborough-Hillsborough Township
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
OTHER-2024-062-Zoning Atlas Amendment – 711 Faith Way Road, Mebane, Cheeks Township
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
OTHER-2024-063-Tax Collector’s Annual Settlement for Fiscal Year 2023-24
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
OTHER-2024-067- Ratification of County Manager’s Execution of a Services Agreement with Priority Dispatch Corporation
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2024
RES-2024-042-Refund Release Resolution
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-043-Refund Release Resolution
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-044-Exemption Exclusion
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-045-Resolution approving the tax collectors annual settlement for the current year 2023 and prior years
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-046-Resolution authorizing exchange of property
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-047-North Carolina Governors Highway safety program local governmental resolution
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
RES-2024-048-Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat Application – Stonewall
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2020-2029\2024
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4 <br /> -Proposed--Solution—(-Begin---with--a--one-sentence summary of your-project.—Then describe indetail howho—wyourpropose—dproject will address-the problem <br /> identified identifledin the"Statement of Problem"section): <br /> A Regional Law Enforcement Liaison serves as coordinator and organizer for highway safety activities in their respective region. <br /> Efforts to continue to promote and involve law enforcement agencies in these lifesaving endeavors are of paramount importance <br /> to this statewide program. To this end, LELs are required to host events, attend and conduct meetings, assist County <br /> Coordinators with organizing highway safety campaigns, and encouraging agencies to report activities. <br /> Bud-get Justification(Provide a detailed explanation of the costs associated with proposed project): <br /> The purpose of radar speed signs is to slow cars down by making drivers aware when they are driving at speeds above the <br /> posted limits. They are used as a traffic calming device in addition to or instead of physical devices such as speed bumps and <br /> rumble strips. Radar speed signs are a proven traffic calming solution to raise the speed awareness of oncoming drivers. Studies <br /> repeatedly show that when alerted by a radar sign, speeders WILL slow down up to 80%of the time. Typical average speed <br /> reductions are 10-20%, and overall compliance with the posted speed limit will increase by 30-60%. Data captured from the <br /> sign's software will track vehicle counts, speeds, and time of day. This data will be used direct patrols at the correct time. <br /> Software used with the speed display sign may record speeds of vehicles passing by, calculate traffic counts, indicate when <br /> speeding is most prevalent, and calculate the average vehicle speed by each hour or for the entire the sign was operating, <br /> From time to time, our education outreach takes us to places where there is limited space for deployment of our Impaired Driving <br /> Simulator or our golf cart. In an effort to be able to reach people through hands on education, we would like to use grant funds <br /> from this grant to purchase a pedal cart for education on impaired, drowsy, and distracted driving. This kit includes a two seat <br /> pedal cart along with cones, helmets, impairment goggles, and many other training materials to conduct such educational <br /> activities where the participant can operate the pedal cart in a controlled environment while wearing impairment goggles. This <br /> will allow us to run educational events inside gymnasiums, hallways of a high school, and other indoor spaces where outside <br /> opportunities might be limited. This type of educational opportunity can reach many different drivers over a vast age range in an <br /> effort to make all drivers, regardless of age or experience, safer on our roads and equipped to make the right decisions when it <br /> comes to driving. <br /> Travel Justification(Provide justification forall travel expenses): <br /> In-state travel and out-of-state funds will be used for travel to perform LEL functions, trainings, and responsibilities. Some of the <br /> funds may be used to attend traffic safety conferences and trainings like NCGHSP's traffic safety conference, the annual <br /> Lifesaver's national conference, the GHSA annual conference and trainings related to traffic safety enforcement and education. <br /> To be completed by law enforcement agencies seeking first year grant: <br /> Provide the agency's number of sworn officers 120 <br /> Does the agency currently have a dedicated traffic or DWI unit? Yes C) No <br /> If a dedicated traffic or DWI unit exists, how many officers are assigned to the unit? <br /> For applicants requesting enforcement grants, please provide the following county fatality rankings: <br /> Information can be located at: <br /> https.-Ilconnect.ncdot.govlmunicoalitiesILaw-EnforcementIPa( px) <br /> Overall Fatality Ranking: 36 <br /> Alcohol Fatality Ranking: 30 <br /> Unrestrained Fatality Ranking: 35 <br /> Speed Related Fatalities: 27 <br /> Other Applicable Rankings: (Specify) <br /> s part 87M!rF5J'9!79ii MT 91178MMMMIMM"s 1111"EM"nTeMMT 9MMPc"e?n9riTMMMT5fflM MMMV919MIJ, • 519 .1197MV99 <br /> �years. <br /> Year2021 Occupant Protection Citations DWI Citations 50 Speed Citations 283 <br /> Year2022 Occupant Protection Citations 7 DWI Citations 41 Speed Citations 135 <br /> Year2023 Occupant Protection Citations DWI Citations 51 Speed Citations 94 <br /> Goals and Objectives (Provide at least one SMART(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely) goals and <br /> objectives. For more detailed information see "How to write an effective traffic safety project"located at: <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />
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