Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> 1 recognition could be planned over the summer months, and then it might take place during the <br /> 2 fall of 2024. <br /> 3 Note that David Stancil has been the Director of the ERCD, now Department of <br /> 4 Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation, since it was established and has a wealth of <br /> 5 information and institutional memory to share. Not surprisingly, none of the commissioners who <br /> 6 were on the board in 1998 — Commissioners Brown, Carey, Crowther, Gordon, Halkiotis — are <br /> 7 still on the board. <br /> 8 However, since in 1998 1 proposed the creation of the environmental department (ERCD) <br /> 9 and the program now known as Lands Legacy, I have easy access to the county documents <br /> 10 describing the establishment of both. I would like to share those documents which I think should <br /> 11 be highlighted." <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Commissioner Richards arrived at 7:05 pm. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 b. Matters on the Printed Agenda <br /> 16 (These matters will be considered when the Board addresses that item on the agenda below.) <br /> 17 <br /> 18 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 19 Commissioner Hamilton said she met with the executive director of Central Pines Regional <br /> 20 Council on May 131h to talk about how things are going and asked some questions about services <br /> 21 for Orange County, including if there are funds available for capital needs and other issues. She <br /> 22 said the Capital Needs Work Group met on May 15th and created a schedule of meetings for the <br /> 23 rest of the year and discussed ongoing goals for that group. She said this afternoon she attended <br /> 24 the Advisory Council on Aging meeting. She shared she is now chair of that council. She said the <br /> 25 Area Plan for Aging will come out tomorrow at the Board of Delegates meeting for Central Pines. <br /> 26 She said she looks forward to being chair and sharing information between the Board and the <br /> 27 council effectively. <br /> 28 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said she attended the Research Triangle Regional <br /> 29 Partnership Gala and heard the annual State of the Region report. She said it focused on the <br /> 30 area's strength in biotech and foreign direct investment. She said the guest speakers talked about <br /> 31 biomanufacturing and a hub for European investment here. She said last night, she attended <br /> 32 awards night at Cedar Ridge High School last night and was impressed that students were <br /> 33 recognized for achievements outside of academics. She said she also attended the Orange <br /> 34 County Be Well event sponsored by DSS and the Health Department on May 10th. She said it <br /> 35 featured dental screenings, blood pressure checks, mammograms, and information was provided <br /> 36 on mental health resources. Finally, she said she attended the Local Government Affordable <br /> 37 Housing Collaborative meeting where they reviewed and voted on the 2024 Annual Action Plan, <br /> 38 which will be discussed tonight. <br /> 39 Commissioner Fowler said last Friday she attended an IDEAL Community Action Team <br /> 40 meeting. She said they focus on inclusive housing for folks with disabilities and aging in place. <br /> 41 She said there are four model communities being monitored, and the team is being reworked into <br /> 42 3 work groups and she will likely join policy work group. She said she attended a panel discussion <br /> 43 by Hope Renovations last Thursday. She said this program gives introductory training in <br /> 44 construction to women and provides repairs for seniors. She said they received a federal grant to <br /> 45 subsidize trainees during training which increases accessibility for female heads of household. <br /> 46 She said she also attended the Visitors Bureau Open House the same day. She said she plans <br /> 47 to attend Chamber State of the Community event on Thursday. Finally, she recognized the <br /> 48 upcoming Memorial Day holiday. <br /> 49 Chair Bedford said there will be a ceremony at the Veteran's Memorial on Monday. She <br /> 50 announced the Nature of Orange Photography contest and said the deadline is May 31sc <br />