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ATTACHMENT 3 <br />'~ <br />Section 4. The following amount is appropriated for this project: <br />PuGlic Safeg~ -Orange-Chathmn Crin:i~ral <br />Justice Partnership $2,332,568 <br />Section 5. The finance officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Grant Project <br />sufficient specific detailed accounting records to provide the accounting to the <br />grantor agency required by the grant agreement and federal and state <br />regulations. <br />Section 6. Funds may be advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making <br />payments due. Reimbursement requests should be made to the grantor agency <br />in an orderly and timely manner. <br />Section 7. Copies of this grant project ordinance shall be made available to the finance <br />officer for direction in carrying out this project. <br />Section 8. Positions authorized through this grant project ordinance include; <br />1..0 Full-time equivalent Criminal Justice Program Coordinator <br />Section 9. This project period begins April 1, 1995 and is in effect until June 30, 2006. <br />Subsequent funding is contingent upon the availability of grant funds. <br />Section 10. This ordinance supersedes all previous "Criminal .lustice Partnership Program" <br />grant project ordinances. <br />Adopted this the 15th day of November 2005. <br />