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department, County staff will have the opportunity to review and recommend any needed <br />revisions to the fee structure for BOCC consideration during the FY05-06 budget process, as is <br />current practice by Budget for other County fee-based services. <br />Public Works Director, Wilbert McAdoo, has received regular updates from APS since January <br />on repairs or improvements proposed for the Shelter in keeping with recommendations in the <br />HSUS Final Report. Cost estimates for these capital projects as presented by Public Works to <br />Budget will be factored into the upcoming budget process as the BOCC considers all County <br />projects and priorities in its Capital Investment Program (CIP) budget. <br />Volunteerism and Public Involvement <br />Attachment 6 is a summary report from the report committee of the Task Force on issues and <br />opportunities for recruiting and utilizing volunteers in a variety of suitable tasks. Additionally <br />County staff and the BOCC have received numerous electronic messages from current and <br />prospective volunteers who indicate a strong desire to continue or create a satisfying volunteer <br />association with aCounty-run Shelter. <br />The BOCC should be mindful that aCounty-run Shelter will likely be unable to optimize the <br />volunteer potential from day one and that a strong volunteer contingent still can not supplant the <br />requirement for core, County employees with the requisite technical or administrative skills to <br />operate a professional quality Shelter. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total estimated net cost far the County to assume direct operation of <br />the Animal Shelter on July 1 is $ 695,550, The Manager's recommended budget for Animal <br />Services in fiscal year 2004-05 would be reviewed by the BOCC far final approval as part of the <br />normal budget process this spring. <br />In addition, one time, start-up capital casts are estimated at $107,901 and would occur in fiscal <br />year 2003-04, Funds to cover the start-up capital are available from the County fund balance,. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The County Manager recommends that the BOCC consider the <br />following actions to authorize County management and operation of the Orange County Animal <br />Shelter effective July 1, 2004, <br />1, Approve County governance/management of the Orange County Animal Shelter, <br />(The Board may decide on Model B or C with any modifications the BOCC may desire on <br />April 20 or defer the decision as to specific model within the County governance structure to <br />a later date,) <br />2, Approve the County staffing and employee transition plan. <br />3. Approve the Capital Equipment Inventory purchase needed to effect County operation of <br />the Shelter, <br />