Orange County NC Website
i ~~ <br />different breeds: etc,), membership and participation in the Chamber of <br />Commerce, and presentations to and membership in civic organizations should all <br />be a pazt of this process. The director of anunal services, along with the public <br />relations person should be able to develop paztnerslrips with the public and <br />business community that will promote services offered.. <br />Records management will be achieved by developing policies and <br />procedures that are followed diligently by staff., The director and shelter manager <br />will be responsible for developing these procedures and then monitoring their <br />implementation and use.. Appropriate software should be purchased. that will <br />allow for tracking these procedures.. <br />Animal population and control, and disease prevention procedures will <br />have to be developed by the director in cooperation with Public Health and/or <br />other appropriate agencies. Contracted veterinarian services will of course be a <br />part of tlis part of the operations.. <br />Reporting and communications with the County as well as <br />accountability to the County are extremely important areas of this proposal. I <br />would propose the following mechanisms be used to allow an open exchange of <br />information and to assure accountability. <br />• Membership on the OE Board ofDirectors - We would encourage a task <br />force member and a County Conunissioner to,join the OE Board of <br />Directors. The current OE Board worild request that the proposed new <br />members go tluough the process of application and orientation that all <br />members are asked to go thuough. <br />• Monthly meethrgs with the shelter director, OE director and County <br />Manager or Assistant County Manager <br />• Monthly reports of activities, expenditures and revenues <br />• Unscheduled visits by county personnel <br />e Any other mechanism to give the County the level of comfort needed. <br />• All of these arrangements should be contractual.. <br />Adoption and Reclamation Policies and Procedures will have to be developed <br />by the new director and his staff: <br />After hours emergency response service would be handled through personnel <br />assigned to this task. Pagers would be provided and the number left on a voice mail <br />system, Process and procedures to deal with likely emergencies would have to be <br />developed by the duector and his staff. <br />Up-Front costs would have to be borne by the Count}+, It is hoped that the new <br />director will be in place or existing staff can help with a list equipment and supplies <br />needed to begin on .July L It would also be necessazy to have the operating costs of the <br />first quarter on hand, <br />Insurance to cover negligence by staff, workers compensation, directors and <br />officers insurance, bonding, transportation, will be covered at 100 percent. The County <br />would be expected to cover costs of insuring the building, accidents regarding structural <br />issues; and all egiiipmenfin the building (unless it becomes the property of OE and then <br />we will cover it..) If there is any additional insurance specific to running an animal <br />shelter, then it will be negotiated eithernr our budget request or by the county directly. <br />