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21 <br /> 752 The 90 wooded acres in our proposal could be developed without regard to conservation <br /> 753 resulting in de-foresting of most of the land with large houses, lots with required septic <br /> 754 fields without regard to natural habitats. Fiddlehead Corner is significantly different. It is <br /> 755 what some call a conservation subdivision. It clusters modest housing on only 30 of the <br /> 756 90 acres leaving most of the land, 60 acres, minimally disturbed. I currently live in a 55- <br /> 757 plus community that is part of a large subdivision in Chatham County. Development <br /> 758 meant significant destruction of natural habitats that come with clear cutting and scraping <br /> 759 off the topsoil to enhance profitability. Trees were planted, but it will be many years <br /> 760 before they replace what mature trees provide, natural habitat, and also shade for the <br /> 761 residents walking the neighborhood streets. In contrast, Fiddlehead is a conservation <br /> 762 cluster design. The clustering of homes will face green spaces rather than streets, a <br /> 763 design that, according to a North Carolina State University report on conservation <br /> 764 subdivisions, cuts down on paving cost and reduces the percent of impervious surfaces <br /> 765 by 31% on average. This approach is highly consistent with the conservation values of <br /> 766 Orange County land use further supporting the County's leadership in the state with an <br /> 767 approach that allows needed innovative development while avoiding suburban sprawl. <br /> 768 Quoting from the planning document analysis, Page 37 of June's agenda, I'm not sure <br /> 769 about tonight's, Fiddlehead Corner"offers a procedural and creative template that future <br /> 770 applicants might use for reference and guidance." Such creativity also appears to be <br /> 771 consistent with the direction of the revision of the Land Use Plan 2050. 1 urge you to <br /> 772 embrace this innovative application, because it is a both/and rather than an either/or. It <br /> 773 combines serving the needs of people with conserving Orange County's natural <br /> 774 resources. Thank you. <br /> 775 <br /> 776 Kathy McHugh: My name is Kathy McHugh. I'm a member of 2T, a local resident and a schoolteacher. 1 <br /> 777 strongly support approval of the zoning that would allow Fiddlehead to be built. I hope to <br /> 778 live many years to come, but I'm definitely getting older. I know from watching older <br /> 779 family members and friends that challenges come as we age. Physical problems that limit <br /> 780 mobility and independence and waning of cognitive abilities. It's a bit scary to think about <br /> 781 how I would be able to deal with these challenges if I live long enough to encounter them. <br /> 782 Moving into a continuing care retirement community is one possible answer, but as I look <br /> 783 at my finances and compare them to the costs of the CCRC, they just don't match up. To <br /> 784 live in an unfamiliar rental unit, like the ones that are springing up all over, isn't very <br /> 785 appealing to me. I wonder if there would be anyone there who shares my values and <br /> 786 interests, and who would come to my aid when I encounter rough patches. That's why <br /> 787 Fiddlehead Corner is so appealing to me. I know I would be among long-term friends <br /> 788 there. My favorite activities, such as contra dancing would be right there where I can walk <br /> 789 to them. When friends need help, I'll be there to help them and vice versa. And without <br /> 790 all the overhead costs that one pays in a CCRC, I think it will fit in my budget. It's just <br /> 791 amazing how this plan for Fiddlehead has gradually been developing from the first spark <br /> 792 of an idea now to a full master plan. It's heartening that a small seed of an idea has <br /> 793 grown so much. We will be hunkered down in a compact campus in the woods where we <br /> 794 can easily get to the community center and to one another and to gorgeous surroundings. <br /> 795 1 urge you to approve this application that will allow Fiddlehead Corner to become a <br /> 796 reality. It's a win-win-win for Orange County. <br /> 797 <br /> 798 Aadra Bhatt: Good evening. Thank you so much for giving me a chance to talk. I don't think I could <br /> 799 summarize all my thoughts as eloquently as my neighbors. <br /> 800 <br /> 801 Chris Johnston: I'm sorry, your name. <br />