Orange County NC Website
Contract #68-2092 <br />MediSolutions, Inc. <br />Transportation Certification (06-2015) Page 1 of 1 <br /> <br />ATTACHMENT J <br />CERTIFICATION REGARDING TRANSPORTATION <br />Orange County Department of Social Services/Human Services <br />and Orange County Department on Aging <br /> By execution of this Agreement the Contractor certifies that it will provide safe client transportation by: <br /> 1. Insuring that all drivers (including employees, contractors, contractor’s employees, and volunteers) shall be at least 18 years of age; 2. Insuring that all drivers (including employees, contractors, contractor’s employees, and volunteers) shall be licensed to operate the specific vehicle used in transporting clients in accordance with Chapter 20-7 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and the Division of Motor Vehicle requirements; 3. Insuring that all vehicles transporting clients shall have at least the minimum level of liability insurance appropriate for the type of vehicle as defined by Article 7, Rule R2-36 of the North Carolina Utilities Commission; 4. Insuring that the contractor shall have written policies and procedures regarding how drivers handle and report client emergencies and/or vehicle crashes involving clients to contractor and how contractor notifies Orange County Department of Social Services and Orange County Department on Aging; 5. Insuring that no more than one quarter of one percent of all trips be missed by the contractor during the course of the contract period; (Medicaid only) 6. Insuring that that no more than five percent (5%) of trips should be late for recipient drop off to their appointment per month; (Medicaid only) 7. Contractor will maintain records documenting the following (County may require contractor to provide): a. Valid current copies of Drivers License for all drivers; b. Current valid Vehicle Registration, for all vehicles transporting clients; c. Driving records for all drivers for the past three years and with annual updates; d. Criminal Background checks through North Carolina Law Enforcement or NCIC prior to employment and every three years thereafter; e. Alcohol and Drug Testing policy to meet the Federal Transit Authority guidelines. 8. Disclosing, at the outset of the contract, upon renewal and upon request, any criminal convictions or other reasons for disqualifications from participation in Medicare, Medicaid or Title XX programs (signature on this form confirms this statement). <br /> <br />_________________________________ __________________________________ <br />Signature Title <br /> <br />_________________________________ __________________________________ <br />Agency/Organization Date <br /> <br />(Certification signature should be same as Contract signature.) <br />Docusign Envelope ID: 529084AE-3510-4F14-BBF8-4F8B38300ABA <br />Medisolutions Inc. <br />CEO <br />7/8/2024