Orange County NC Website
C Da't e, shall sUrv 7.Ve ti':e CIOSi.nq alld T'emaln liindir?g llp Oi? <br />and for the benefit of the partiā€¢as heratn, their heirs, personal <br />reprC-s eCltatl~ies, SUCCesSOrs Or c'.SS i. gl"ls, Untl ~ fully UCJSe r""ved, <br />kept or performed. <br />(e) This i?greement shal'_ be binding and shall inure to file <br />benefit of the parties hereto and their respecti=/e <br />beneficiaries, heirs, personal representatives, successors and <br />permitted assigns. <br />(f) As used in this Agreement, the masculine shall include <br />the feminine and neuter, and vice versa; the singl.ilal: sha11 <br />include the plural and the plural shall inr_lude the singular, as <br />the context. may require. <br />(a) Any provision contained i. r. this Agreement vrhich by its <br />nature and effect, if required to be obsc-i:ved, kept or performed <br />after closing shall survive the closing and shall. remain binding <br />upon and for. the benefit of the parties hereto until fully <br />observed, kept or performed. <br />7. CLOSING: A11 parties agree to execute any and all <br />documents and papers necessary in connection with the clos.iny <br />and transfer of title to the Pr.operi:y in Hi17.sborough, [dorti? <br />Carolina otit}?;n i0 days of tt?e approval. by ti?e To,dn of Chanel <br />Hi.11 of the application of IIuyer. for Buv+er's governmantal. Llsc of <br />the ~t:operty. <br />10 <br />