Orange County NC Website
~o <br />(c) Any and al?. deeds o_ trust, liens o*~ other charges <br />aga.;nst the. Property not assumed by ltuyer must be paid and <br />cancelled by Buller prior t.o or at closing. <br />~, MISCELLANEOUS PROVTSTONS: <br />(a) This Agreement embodies and constitutes °~he entire <br />understanding betl~reen the parties with respect to the <br />transaction contemplated herein ann.', all prior agreements, <br />understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, <br />are merged into this Agreement, Neither this Agreement nor any <br />provision hereof may be waived, modified, amended, discharged or <br />terminated except by al: instrument signed by the party against <br />whom the enforr_ement- c±= such ~~raiver, modification, amendment or <br />discharge or termination. is sought, and then only to the extent <br />set forth in such instrtment <br />(b) This Agreement =hall be governed by and canstnted i.n <br />accordance with the- 1a,~s of the State o= Nort}? Carolina, <br />~~rithout, ho~.aever, giving effect to any principle of conflicts or'. <br />law. <br />(c) The captions in Chis Aare=meat are inserted :Eon <br />convenience of reference only and in no uray d~=fine, describe or <br />limit: the scope or intent of this Pgreement or any of the <br />provisions hereof, <br />(d) Any provision f-~erein con~`ained by :its nature and <br />8L1`eot is L'egUlred i:O be Obi;e l.'ved, }:eDt Gr pe L'i. (J lamed <': I'f ~e 1' talc <br />