Orange County NC Website
Japanese <br />Vietnamese <br />Filipino <br />Korean <br />Some other race 2 <br />Total 10 8 <br /> <br />Of the above, how many Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin 1 0 <br />Of the above, how many non-Hispanic, Latino or Spanish <br />origin 9 8 <br />Total 10 8 <br /> <br />8.a. % of staff that have attended racial equity training:90% (a new staff member will attend <br />training by the end of the quarter) <br />b.% of board that have attended racial equity training:100% <br />c. Any additional activities:Staff have participated in Racial Equity Cohorts, small learning <br />circles facilitated by The Equity Paradigm. We practice continuous learning among staff via <br />articles, resources, and group conversations about settler colonialism in the US, anti-Blackness, <br />white supremacy culture in both domestic and international settings, and power and oppression. <br />The cost of personal and professional development opportunities related to these topics is <br />covered by RCP. <br />PROGRAM INFORMATION <br />*Please submit for each program if applying for funding for more than one program. <br />9.Program Name:Neighborhood Support Circles <br />Program Primary Contact and Title: Daniella Runyambo, Co-ED of Programs and Community <br />Impact    <br />Telephone Number:919-590-5910 <br />10.Please briefly describe the proposed program,including an explanation of how it aligns with the <br />Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro’s Results Framework,and Orange County BOCC Goals and <br />Priorities, and the target population to benefit from the program.(250 words or less) <br />Language inaccess is the greatest threat to the wellbeing of refugee and migrant communities, <br />blocking non-English speaking residents from accessing housing, public benefits, and economic <br />opportunities. Since 2020, RCP’s Membership- and their need for language support- has <br />skyrocketed to 1,200+. Most institutions lack language services for niche global languages, <br />Program information Page 11 of 21 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C7E9E35D-4294-4C57-9D16-FD34B7245AA8