Orange County NC Website
AGENCY INFORMATION <br />Please provide the following information about your agency: <br />1.Date of Incorporation (Month/Year):09/2008 <br />2.Agency’s Purpose/Mission (no more than a few sentences):The Refugee Community <br />Partnership (RCP)is a grassroots organization that uses community-led design to disrupt threats <br />to the health and safety of refugee and migrant communities,creating systems that connect <br />people to the resources they need while mobilizing institutions to eliminate barriers to access. <br />Our 1,200+Members are largely non-English speaking,representing 13 unique languages with <br />18 dialects,hailing from Burma,Syria,Turkey,Yemen,Lebanon,the Congo,Central African <br />Republic,El Salvador,Colombia,Guatemala,Honduras,Mexico,and Afghanistan.Most are <br />families with young children,and roughly 98%live below the Federal Poverty Line.Centering <br />relationships of mutual aid and transformative companionship,RCP works at the intersection of <br />social mobility,health equity,and language justice,to ensure that our Members experience <br />economic and social well-being & opportunities to thrive as they rebuild home in Orange County. <br />3.Please provide a brief description of your organization’s past achievements in carrying <br />out similar projects and evidence of successful record of meeting proposed budgets and <br />timetables (no more than 100 words). <br />RCP creates tailored and streamlined “referral pathways,” deploying Community Coordinators <br />and Bridge Builder Volunteers to provide personal interpretation and accompaniment eliminating <br />language barriers that obstruct access to cross-sector services and stabilizing financial security. <br />Last year, Community Coordinators earned 2x living wage, providing 2,802 hours of <br />interpretation for 280+ residents navigating public services, from housing lease renewal <br />meetings, to DSS, to accessing crisis response services. <br />RCP’s work has garnered national attention and funding as a community-driven model for <br />refugee support. Supported by the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel Hill, and Orange County, RCP was <br />launched in 2011 and has over 1,200+ Members. Each year, we carry out programmatic activities <br />within budget, and complete reporting requirements within timeframes. <br />4.Living Wage: Does this agency pay permanent employees a minimum living wage?(Yes / <br />No)Yes <br />If yes, is this agency an Orange County Living Wage Certified Employer?Yes <br />If no, please briefly explain. <br />Schedule of Positions: # of FTE – Full-Time Paid Positions:10 # of FTE – Part-Time Paid <br />Positions:4 <br />Race & Equity <br />Consistent with our commitment to equity and inclusion, the Towns of Chapel Hill and <br />Carrboro and Orange County Government are taking steps together to center racial equity in <br />the Human Services Funding Program.We are requesting basic information about your <br />organization’s racial equity work. <br />Program information Page 9 of 21 <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: C7E9E35D-4294-4C57-9D16-FD34B7245AA8