Orange County NC Website
101 <br /> 102 S.Appel suggested we have Commissioner Bedford attend the meeting for specific items on the agenda, <br /> 103 i.e. the SPOT 7 decisions. <br /> 104 <br /> 105 A. Cole stated that Alice Borden would attend as the Liaison, but there was no item on the agenda for <br /> 106 her. <br /> 107 <br /> 108 M. Hughes volunteered to write the invitation to Jamezetta Bedford. <br /> 109 <br /> 110 Motion: Amy Cole Second: Roy Schonberg Vote: Unanimous <br /> 111 <br /> 112 S. Appel: I know what NCDOT scoring is based on, what is Orange County's scoring based on? We <br /> 113 currently have consultants completing our Transportation Multimodal Plan, this will allow us to work with <br /> 114 the MPOs, and RPO and create Orange County's score method. <br /> 115 <br /> 116 J. Crandell: For the Regional and Division scores can we combine them? If the project is large enough it <br /> 117 can be supported at both Regional and Division, so if the doesn't qualify for regional it can still be funded <br /> 118 at the division. <br /> 119 <br /> 120 R. Marshall: Says if we can just refine modernization, we don't need sidewalks and grass berm if they <br /> 121 would just give us 11-foot lanes and 5-foot bike lanes for 2-foot gutters. That would be way down the road <br /> 122 and probably a lot less expensive than having sidewalks on those roads. It was explained that price plays <br /> 123 a role but was not a major factor in scoring for SPOT 7. <br /> 124 <br /> 125 M. Hughes suggested we bring SPOT 7 back to the July meeting, so everyone could have time to look <br /> 126 over the information and provide their recommendations and suggestions. <br /> 127 <br /> 128 S.Appel:Ask what projects are we recommending? DCHC MPO has them amount of points to fully fund <br /> 129 and support 23 projects, we can put projects in the portal that we think should get points out of those 23 <br /> 130 projects. However, not all the projects will make it past the regional level. <br /> 131 <br /> 132 Suggestion to postpone recommendation for SPOT 7 until the July meeting <br /> 133 <br /> 134 Motion: Art Menius Second: Randy Marshall Vote: Unanimous <br /> 135 <br /> 136 AGENDA ITEM 8: ADJOURNMENT <br /> 137 The OUTBoard meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m. The next meeting is scheduled for July 18th, 2024 <br />