07.18.2024 OUTboard
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange Unified Transportation Board
07.18.2024 OUTboard
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Last modified
7/19/2024 5:05:42 PM
Creation date
7/19/2024 5:05:02 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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456 N. Trivedi: They're in the existing conditions report, so I'll get that to you and present that also at the <br /> 457 meeting if you need to see that, it has other levels. <br /> 458 <br /> 459 M. Hughes: I think it's it would. It would be interesting, just as a point of comparison for me, because 1 <br /> 460 don't travel the 70 corridor much, I tend to cross it, but I tend to travel 54 a lot and this is more unique to <br /> 461 me. It's just my curiosity. <br /> 462 <br /> 463 N. Trivedi: Yeah, I'm happy to present that. <br /> 464 <br /> 465 M. Hughes: Thanks very much, Nish and Lauren. <br /> 466 <br /> 467 N. Trivedi: And Sherry, to help answer your question regarding what you can do with the study, we can <br /> 468 only affect the Orange County portion. So, you can make your recommendation for your action at the <br /> 469 April meeting any approval of the study contingent on XYZ like this is recommended approval. <br /> 470 Recommending this like, OK, we also recommend whatever you want to do with the speed for the rural <br /> 471 portion of Orange County. Like if you want to say the recommended speed be issued addressed a little <br /> 472 differently like changing or reducing the speed as your action also includes additional recommendations <br /> 473 to be considered through your action at the April meeting. So as an OUTBoard, we do have a strong <br /> 474 influence in shaping the orange, the rural portion, because the towns are taking independent action on <br /> 475 their town portion of it. So, we kind of tell Hillsboro what to do. We can't tell Mebane what to do. <br /> 476 <br /> 477 S. Appel: OK, so I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying. Are you saying that if at our <br /> 478 April meeting, we can review this and we can ask that some of the recommendations be taken out before <br /> 479 they? <br /> 480 <br /> 481 N. Trivedi: Not taken out but changed, like you can make changes because right now the actions that the <br /> 482 towns are taking are endorsing the plan as is. Mebane's action has been endorsing the whole plan as is, <br /> 483 so we can't take anything out of something that's been approved by them, and that's something that those <br /> 484 boards going to be doing tomorrow when I presented to Hillsboro so you can make changes to the Orange <br /> 485 County's portion that you feel are needed but you cannot remove something that's been approved. What <br /> 486 is it that you want to do with the speed? Is there a certain idea that we can explore that the consultant <br /> 487 can explore for the April meeting for the speed? <br /> 488 <br /> 489 S. Appel: I just find that that change in speed limit is not necessarily going to achieve what the <br /> 490 recommendation wants it to, and I think- <br /> 491 <br /> 492 L. Triebert: That's where I wonder if we may need some sort of interim meeting or email or a memo of <br /> 493 some sort kind of laying out some of our answers to these because we haven't gone into depth and in <br /> 494 some of the things about what the crash trends show about congestion and how the speed does line up <br /> 495 with severity and run-off road crashes. I would like to be able to show you guys those things that may <br /> 496 change whether you want to endorse the speed. If we do that presentation of data and kind of information <br /> 497 at the April meeting then there's potential for changes to recommendations and then it's a following <br /> 498 meeting where it's finally endorsed or if we want to try to address as much as we can so that there is or <br /> 499 isn't, there's a clear approval or not a hey if you change this and adjust that then we'll approve it. <br /> 500 N. Trivedi: The OUTBoard meeting is on April 15th. There's a third Monday of the month. <br /> 501 1 don't think you can do April 1 st. <br /> 502 <br /> 503 L. Triebert: No, no. <br /> 504 <br /> 505 N. Trivedi: So, I don't know if the Board wants to get together again between the 2nd and the 15th, or <br /> 506 would you like to let the consultant provide more information together and present at the 15th meeting? <br />
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