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materials, including development advisory committee review. That development advisory committee does include 1 <br />planning, inspections, Fire Marshall, environmental health, NCDOT and likewise, other coordinating review agencies. 2 <br />After the staff review, the items moved for a neighborhood information meeting as required by the UDO. This is a 3 <br />meeting hosted by the applicant for area residents to be informed of the project and have the opportunity to be in 4 <br />conversation with the applicant, and finally, tonight, we have arrived at the evidentiary hearing at which you all will make 5 <br />a determination with findings of fact on the cases. Just simply to acknowledge, I'm not going to read through all of this 6 <br />but as you've acknowledged Chair Meyers, there is both North Carolina State governing law and Orange County 7 <br />Unified Development Ordinance standards that determine the process, the review process, and the standards upon 8 <br />which the cases are to be reviewed and decided upon. Tonight, you all will be receiving evidence entered into the 9 <br />record by staff and applicants and any other parties with legal standing. You will hear the testimony of those parties 10 <br />noted. You will review evidence and all provided testimony, and finally, you'll move to deliberate and make a 11 <br />determination whether that's approval or denial of the request. Important to acknowledge is the consideration of 12 <br />standing as this is run as a quasi-judicial meeting. Anyone presenting to the Board must establish standing. The 13 <br />following are ways in which someone might determine establish their standing. One would be a person with legal 14 <br />interest in the subject property, the applicant themselves, the city or county governing the property. In this case, is of 15 <br />course Orange County. Or it could be someone who will suffer special damages as a result of the decision of tonight's 16 <br />meeting, and finally it would be an association organized to promote the interest of a particular area so long as at least 17 <br />one member would have standing as an individual and the association was not created in response to the development 18 <br />at issue. As you work through the proceedings tonight, anyone presenting to you must establish their legal standing. 19 <br />They can then enter evidence into the record. You will first be hearing from staff on the materials reviewed and staff 20 <br />testimony as to our analysis. Then we can move to hearing testimony from persons with legal standing and then the 21 <br />Board will have opportunity for questions to anyone that presented or deliberation among yourselves and then finally, 22 <br />again, it's that determination on the findings of fact. So with that, if you don't have any questions on process, I will hand 23 <br />it over to Ashley Moncado for the first case. 24 <br />25 <br />Cy Stober: Mr. Chair, two items on is the need to swear in anyone who tends to speak on the matter. The other is 26 <br />Ms. Bronson, the regular Board member is here now, so if Mr. Beeman, the alternate, at your pleasure wants to step 27 <br />down, just want to offer the opportunity before we begin the hearing. 28 <br />29 <br />Leon Meyers: All right let's take a quick break here while Beth gets set up. Thank you, Adam for being here. 30 <br />31 <br />Adam Beeman: No problem. 32 <br />33 <br />Leon Meyers: Always. Anytime, I will ask anybody who intends to speak on the first Case A124, the cemetery matter, 34 <br />to come forward to me to be sworn. 35 <br />36 <br />SWEARING OF THE TESTIMONY 37 <br />38 <br />Lauren Coffey: You swear and to order comes the testimony you're about to give is truth, the whole truth and nothing 39 <br />but the truth to the best of your knowledge? 40 <br />41 <br />Applicants: I do. 42 <br />43 <br />Staff: I do. 44 <br />45 <br />Leon Meyers: Thank you folks. 46 <br />47 <br />Ashley Moncado: Good evening. Before we start, I just wanted to bring something to your attention really 48 <br />quickly. There was arevised site plan sheets that were provided from the applicant just a couple days ago, and I 49 <br />believe it's Sheet 3.1 and 8.1 and those have been placed at your seats for you this evening. As we go to tonight's 50 <br />3