7-10-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Orange County Planning Board
7-10-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
7/18/2024 11:55:40 AM
Creation date
7/18/2024 11:54:29 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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9 <br /> 152 Charity Kirk: I would suggest, it sounds like from my reading of Item 8 is that we are bringing things in line with <br /> 153 the state. <br /> 154 <br /> 155 Cy Stober: In part,there are two amendments one will bring our UDO under compliance with the general <br /> 156 statute. <br /> 157 <br /> 158 Charity Kirk: So my suggestion is we give each person 6 minutes, 3 minutes on each item because I think Item <br /> 159 8 is probably a little less contentious and that will try and keep it shorter, so 6 minutes total, 3 minutes per each item, <br /> 160 so if they only want to talk about one item, it's only 3 minutes that they get to talk. <br /> 161 <br /> 162 Lamar Proctor: Well, I do think that the sign-in sheet accurately reflects which item and the name of the person <br /> 163 who wants to speak, so given that I think we're all accepting of the fact that this is going to be a multi-session <br /> 164 meeting, I think we should just be cognizant of the time and call those up in order in the order in which they signed up <br /> 165 and I would ask the public if you feel that your position has been stated, I don't want to cut anyone's time, but if you <br /> 166 feel that someone else has said what you wanted to say and it would be duplicative, then you're welcome to just let <br /> 167 us know you agree with someone else or I would just ask the public to be mindful of the time.we're not going to cut <br /> 168 anybody's time short because this is a public hearing and you all have the right to have your voices heard. So,what 1 <br /> 169 would propose is that we just follow our normal meeting process and be cognizant of the time and give each <br /> 170 individual as they have signed up on the list their 3 minutes. Once the buzzer goes off,we're not trying to be rude, <br /> 171 we're just trying to be efficient about time, so when that buzzer goes off the 3 minutes is up, and you'll be asked to <br /> 172 step away from the podium to keep things moving forward. There is one additional request that has been made by <br /> 173 Preserve Rural Orange which is a community group who has asked for additional time. Before we get into that, does <br /> 174 everyone agree as to the process on individual comment on the sign-up sheet,does anyone have any further <br /> 175 thoughts. <br /> 176 <br /> 177 Charity Kirk: Suggesting 3 minutes per topic? <br /> 178 <br /> 179 Lamar Proctor: I think the individuals who have signed up have listed their name and the agenda item on which <br /> 180 they want to speak,so they should just be called up in order. If a particular individual wants to comment for 3 <br /> 181 minutes on 7, 8 and 9,well,first we hear the comments on 7,then we'll hear the comments on 8, then we'll hear the <br /> 182 comments on 9. 1 don't see any other way to proceed that doesn't get confusing or lead to people feeling that their <br /> 183 time has been cut short and that they haven't had the opportunity to address each item as per our explicit rules. <br /> 184 <br /> 185 Charity Kirk; So a 3-minute limit per person to talk about all agenda items. <br /> 186 <br /> 187 Lamar Proctor: Per agenda item,that is our, unless you want to make another motion. <br /> 188 <br /> 189 Charity Kirk: 3 minutes per person per agenda item, so 9 minutes maximum. <br /> 190 <br /> 191 Lamar Proctor: If they signed up for 7,to comment on 7, 8 and 9, and we will do them in the order in which they <br /> 192 signed up. <br /> 193 <br /> 194 Charity Kirk: That's fine. <br /> 195 <br /> 196 Lamar Proctor: As per and in sequential order of the agenda items. <br /> 197 <br /> 198 Chris Johnston: I think that makes sense because if we didn't have that we were going to smush them together. <br /> 199 <br /> 200 Lamar Proctor: Right. <br /> 201 <br /> 202 Cy Stober: So to be clear,there will be no deviation from the rules of procedure? <br />
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