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43 <br /> 1878 being approved. So, if we were to say that, like, how many parking spots you could have,we could put a condition <br /> 1879 on that to say,you know,or that your community center couldn't be more than 10,000. It's very arbitrary. I'm just <br /> 1880 pointing out that the master plan development is conditional on what is being submitted in the application.And that's <br /> 1881 more for, I think, public knowledge than it is for the applicant, per se. I did see four different lift stations for the septic <br /> 1882 plan and not to say that's not feasible, but as somebody who's going through that permitting process myself, <br /> 1883 understanding how much to do the STEP system might incur and how much land disturbance might be required to <br /> 1884 accommodate all of this. Because I think what's very critical is that while it's an activity node, there are no utilities <br /> 1885 available at 54, right? So, there is no fire hydrant. There is no septic. There's only volunteer fire departments. So, <br /> 1886 when we say first responders,that I think would be the concern that I would have in my line of questioning, and 1 <br /> 1887 realize we're at 10:10 and to those that are asking about banjo music my friends and I have, and I'm a millennial, <br /> 1888 we've been talking about doing this for about a decade. So it's not that,you know, 55 and younger don't want to. It's <br /> 1889 that it's a non-attainable thing that a lot of people who are 35 to 45 think oh, I can find a plot of land in a community <br /> 1890 that I feel accepted in and then age in place until I'm 70 or 80 or 90. And that is very much, I think,what you guys <br /> 1891 have put there as this community, as this coop. I think is is a very ambitious goal and I think it is very much in line <br /> 1892 with Orange County,with this aging in place. I don't have to know the very specific goals to know that what's <br /> 1893 intended is absolutely aligned with that idea. Whether or not it is prudent of this planning board to recommend that or <br /> 1894 not is completely separate of how I personally feel about it. <br /> 1895 <br /> 1896 Scott Radway: Can I have half a minute of the 1 minute that's left, maybe, to answer or make one comment? <br /> 1897 <br /> 1898 Lamar Proctor: There will be an opportunity for debate and discussion amongst the board, so if we can get to the <br /> 1899 questions then we can finish. I'm not trying to cut you off. <br /> 1900 <br /> 1901 Beth Bronson: No, I get it. Everybody else had their time. And maybe what we can do with this remaining <br /> 1902 time is make this motion to continue,and are we going to be creating a special session or are we going to be meeting <br /> 1903 in July? And I apologize if I was late and did not hear about this in the beginning, but we do need to decide whether <br /> 1904 or not we are meeting before our next scheduled planning board meeting. <br /> 1905 <br /> 1906 Lamar Proctor: Well, if you're done with your questioning of the applicant,then I can move onto that. <br /> 1907 <br /> 1908 Beth Bronson: Oh, no. I only have 2 minutes and we're supposed to stop so that's why I figured it was <br /> 1909 necessary. <br /> 1910 <br /> 1911 Lamar Proctor: Okay. My intent was to just resume through the normal process at the July meeting on <br /> 1912 July 101h,just continue with this agenda. <br /> 1913 <br /> 1914 Beth Bronson: Okay. <br /> 1915 <br /> 1916 Lamar Proctor: And I will welcome suggestions from staff. <br /> 1917 <br /> 1918 Cy Stober: Well, point of order is we have two applications that have a due process need to be completed <br /> 1919 in July so we're going to need to talk about agenda composition and how they are ordered. One is a by-right <br /> 1920 subdivision that you've already reviewed as a concept plan for the Stonewall subdivision and the other is a down <br /> 1921 zoning for the Common Ground project on Frazier Road. <br /> 1922 <br /> 1923 Charity Kirk: Both of those you want in July? <br /> 1924 <br /> 1925 Cy Stober: They have a right to be heard in due time, so they need to be scheduled at some point. So, I'll <br /> 1926 probably need to speak with Mr. Beeman and Mr. Proctor about it, and the staff attorney, James Bryan, about how <br /> 1927 we process these, so they are able to get their due process and get to a public hearing in due time. <br /> 1928 <br />