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35 <br /> 1472 understand our goals, among them, aging in place and to have provisions specifically for seniors and part of the buy- <br /> 1473 in, or whatever you want to call it, is in relation to supporting those services. They're going to be small units which <br /> 1474 are most suitable for people who are downsizing and would not be supportive of families or not attractive to families, <br /> 1475 because it wouldn't have enough bedrooms. So I think for all these reasons, our goal of being a place for aging <br /> 1476 adults is going to be met organically. <br /> 1477 <br /> 1478 Chris Johnston: Okay. The cooperative I think is the only thing that would keep me from respectfully <br /> 1479 disagreeing, so, and I apologize to keep harping on this in regards to master aging plan, but could you help me <br /> 1480 through the cooperative decision making process for determining whether someone is eligible to live in this <br /> 1481 neighborhood. Because it sounds like in order to live in this neighborhood,you have to be a member of the <br /> 1482 Cooperative. I would like to know what the requirements to being in the Cooperative are in regard to that seems to <br /> 1483 be the barrier of entry to this particular land. <br /> 1484 <br /> 1485 Edwin Cox: So we do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, religion, or any other factors that relate <br /> 1486 to fair housing. It has to do more with the person who's applying educating themselves about what our goals are for <br /> 1487 the community and agreeing to those goals, and once they have completed that process of going through it,we have <br /> 1488 a membership committee. Then their identity is opened up to the entire Cooperative for anyone to come forward if <br /> 1489 they know of any particular objections they might have.And that's generally pretty straightforward and then they're <br /> 1490 allowed in. So, Peggy. This is Peggy. <br /> 1491 <br /> 1492 Chris Johnston: Hi Peggy. <br /> 1493 <br /> 1494 Peggy Craft: Hi. <br /> 1495 <br /> 1496 Chris Johnston: Hi, Peggy. And I apologize. I don't mean to make a stink about this, but part of our <br /> 1497 determination is in regards to, how does this fit, and how does this fulfill the goals of comprehensive plan and the <br /> 1498 master aging plan component seems to be a large part of it, and I just want to make sure I fully understand. <br /> 1499 <br /> 1500 Peggy Craft: I get that. <br /> 1501 <br /> 1502 1 am secretary of H4D, I'm also head of the membership committee and had the difficult task of doing exactly what <br /> 1503 you're asking. Being a Cooperative requires us to have this acceptance approval process, so what do we want that <br /> 1504 to look like. I'm a contra dancer, I said, if they can't dance,you know, I'm not sure. Joking. Joking. Absolutely <br /> 1505 joking. We couldn't do that. We don't want to do that. What we want is for it to be a community. A community of <br /> 1506 people who share in our belief in the culture of active participation physically and governmentally. We want it to be <br /> 1507 run in a cooperative manner. We want people who appreciate and take part in traditional music and art and dance <br /> 1508 and nature. So when I talked to people,we've going through this process with several people and it's sort of like you <br /> 1509 got to understand who we are trying to be, and if you don't like banjo music,you're not going to be happy here,you <br /> 1510 know. It's just we are traditional music and dance people. And that's what the community is intended to be. We <br /> 1511 don't care if you're 35. I'd be quite happy to have you. <br /> 1512 <br /> 1513 Chris Johnston: I do apologize, and I just want to keep unpeeling this onion a little bit because I don't have a <br /> 1514 whole lot of experience with Cooperatives, but in regards to how you determine who is appropriate to be within the <br /> 1515 Cooperative.And I'm going to be that guy, and I do apologize. How many members have you turned away. <br /> 1516 <br /> 1517 Peggy Craft: None. <br /> 1518 <br /> 1519 Chris Johnston: Applicants,excuse me, applicants. <br /> 1520 <br /> 1521 Peggy Craft: None. <br /> 1522 <br />