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34 <br /> 1421 try and make it happen,so to me,the question is how much do we want it and where do we want multifamily housing <br /> 1422 of this size. <br /> 1423 <br /> 1424 Scott Radway: It's a great question. Maybe it's the central question and the issues about whether it's the right <br /> 1425 place or not, let's take a look at the population that it's proposed for. It's an older population. Forgetting what's <br /> 1426 inside, it's an older population which has,through NC 54 down to Carrboro and Chapel Hill, immediate access to <br /> 1427 probably the best health care services you can get in the State of North Carolina and practically anyplace else in the <br /> 1428 U.S. <br /> 1429 <br /> 1430 Charity Kirk: No, I understand that but we're land use. I have to make land use decisions. That's what <br /> 1431 we're charged with. So thank you, I think those are my questions. I would probably have a follow-up question but 1 <br /> 1432 don't have it now. <br /> 1433 <br /> 1434 Scott Radway: I would hope that we can continue to talk. <br /> 1435 <br /> 1436 Cy Stober: So Ms. Kirk, to your first question, I finally have an answer which is Page 203 of the UDO. 1 <br /> 1437 believe that's correct, Page 203 or 3-69, residential conditional district,that's were you can find that. Non-residential <br /> 1438 district is on Page 205.And the only thing I would add from a staff perspective and regarding our analysis of this <br /> 1439 project and the process that's brought it to you this evening, should the comprehensive plan Appendix F amendment <br /> 1440 be approved, this same process would apply to any new applications for MPD-CD that would be received by the <br /> 1441 County, so there would be a planning board review and a public hearing to determine if it is appropriate for that <br /> 1442 location and if it is appropriate and in the public interest of the county to allow a new MPD-CD district in Orange <br /> 1443 County, so that would not change. <br /> 1444 <br /> 1445 Charity Kirk: Why don't we just modify agricultural residential, rather than the rural activity note? <br /> 1446 <br /> 1447 Cy Stober: I'm happy to have that conversation. I don't want to take away from the questions but we <br /> 1448 would also have to amend the definition of agricultural residential, I believe, in order to accommodate that. <br /> 1449 <br /> 1450 Chris Johnston: My question is in regards to who is eligible to partake in these units. So, I'm 35 and I think this <br /> 1451 is a really great idea and I'd love to move in. I love solar and I think the way we separate our refuse waste is exciting. <br /> 1452 <br /> 1453 Edwin Cox: Glad you're convinced. We have deliberately decided to have no age restriction. <br /> 1454 <br /> 1455 Chris Johnston: Okay. So the reason I bring that up is this did come up in some of the email-related things and <br /> 1456 what I wanted to bring out with that was if this is in related to,for instance, the master aging plan and that sort of <br /> 1457 thing, if there are no age restrictions, I could move in there and I wouldn't necessarily be fulfilling those goals for <br /> 1458 mobility or participating in engagement or health and well, I mean, I really didn't see so much as I'd be enjoying those <br /> 1459 different benefits, but it wouldn't necessarily be the aging in place that maybe is necessary for this to fit within that <br /> 1460 mold. Does that make sense? <br /> 1461 <br /> 1462 Edwin Cox: I don't think this would be particularly attractive to you unless you like to live among— <br /> 1463 <br /> 1464 Chris Johnston: — I mean I would push back in that and say that my preferences are my own but I guess what <br /> 1465 I'm saying is if we're making a determination in regards toif this fits within,the goals of the comprehensive plan, does <br /> 1466 that fit the mold if this is open and again, I love the idea of sustainability and conservation and that sort of thing but in <br /> 1467 regards to the master aging plan and the components within that,without that requirement,a unit goes up for sale, 1 <br /> 1468 purchase it because I love the idea and I'm in there, I don't necessarily know if that fits the aging in place idea. <br /> 1469 <br /> 1470 Edwin Cox: So as a cooperative,we have a process whereby people apply to become members of the <br /> 1471 cooperative first. And only then will they be eligible for living there. And we have a process by which people <br />