<br /> 1371 Charity Kirk: Okay, so in the county,where are other large-scale apartment buildings or apartment buildings
<br /> 1372 like this located? It seems like they're located much more, like if you look at R-2, R-2 was talking about being closer
<br /> 1373 to cities, it seemed,for me. So is there a precedent for a development with these multifamily housings further in the
<br /> 1374 county? Are there any examples you can think of?
<br /> 1375
<br /> 1376 Cy Stober: The only one that comes to my mind, and I'll defer to Tom given his experience with the county
<br /> 1377 will be much longer than mine, but Settlers Point included some multifamily in it but that was being served by Town of
<br /> 1378 Hillsborough Water and Sewer. That's at the present location of RTLP, south of the interstate. But otherwise,to my
<br /> 1379 knowledge, multifamily has not been permitted through zoning by the county in recent history. We do a lot of
<br /> 1380 duplexes by right. We see a limited number of those in the county. They're oddities, I'd say. But not, nothing more
<br /> 1381 dense than duplexes.
<br /> 1382
<br /> 1383 Charity Kirk: So, if we want to allow this,the easiest way to allow it is to go into this rural neighborhood
<br /> 1384 activity node and sort of pull it, pull all the land. Because that's where we can do the MPD-CD.
<br /> 1385
<br /> 1386 Cy Stober: So those are the corresponding amendments to the comprehensive plan and the LIDO as well.
<br /> 1387 The amendment to the MPD-CD along with the future land use classifications where MPD-CD is allowed,which is
<br /> 1388 both the UDO amendment and the Appendix F amendment to the comprehensive plan, and then expansion of that
<br /> 1389 node in the Future Land Use Map. So at present, no,you can't,that cannot be done. It would require these other
<br /> 1390 amendments that have been applied for by the applicant to be approved.
<br /> 1391
<br /> 1392 Charity Kirk: So to the applicant,why should we allow this new and novel thing so far out into the county,
<br /> 1393 this development that doesn't have a precedent?
<br /> 1394
<br /> 1395 Scott Radway: I don't want you to take this personally, but this kind of a design is not new and it is not novel,
<br /> 1396 but it is—
<br /> 1397
<br /> 1398 Charity Kirk: I know the design isn't, it's just the location in our particular county.
<br /> 1399
<br /> 1400 Scott Radway: I want to make it,without offending anybody, make it clear that this is a compact neighborhood
<br /> 1401 and it's designed to have single-family detached housing opportunity,front house which is attached unit opportunity
<br /> 1402 and multifamily, and we're looking at multifamily opportunity,that's three buildings.And I'll get to your point, and from
<br /> 1403 Cy, you've heard some zoning aspect pieces of it, but it's not a new and a novel, it's not a new and a novel design.
<br /> 1404 You can tell from the discussion tonight that it's been very, very difficult to figure out how to do something that has
<br /> 1405 been proven to be successful in many places in North Carolina, as well as many places in the United States,within
<br /> 1406 the zoning ordinances and land use plan,for Orange County and in many discussions back and forth,the issue of
<br /> 1407 the Master Plan Development CD, is the zoning district which provides the type of requirements and standards
<br /> 1408 under which you could do this type of a district. It happens that there's a piece of property which is identified as
<br /> 1409 being supportive of a rural neighborhood activity center that has part of it within that and I think you are right. The
<br /> 1410 question is whether you,as a County, and whether you, as a board, look at this and see it as saying this is a location
<br /> 1411 which, and forgetting the site itself and its character for a second, this is a location where the addition of 280 more
<br /> 1412 people towards your comprehensive plan identification piece of 1,000 people might support the existing retail uses
<br /> 1413 that are already there, not bring new competition to it, and to do so in a way that is practically invisible from the road
<br /> 1414 and from the neighbor's property, and so these are the pieces that we have been putting together in this to look and
<br /> 1415 say is this an appropriate place. As the applicant,we believe it's an appropriate place to do that and what we're
<br /> 1416 asking you is to think with us along the way and if you think this has the benefit of being the type of community that
<br /> 1417 you'd want,figure out how to do it so it's as good as what we've drawn or even better.
<br /> 1418
<br /> 1419 Charity Kirk: I mean me, personally, I like the vision, but we've dealt with this before where the vision was
<br /> 1420 good but the location wasn't the right location and, right now, I feel like we're slotting this in, in a very awkward way to
<br />