7-10-24 PB Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
7-10-24 PB Agenda Packet
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Last modified
7/18/2024 11:55:40 AM
Creation date
7/18/2024 11:54:29 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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27 <br /> 1067 otherwise would use for those purposes. Thank you for your time and attention. We'd ask our H41D members who <br /> 1068 are in the audience to stand up and show you who we are. <br /> 1069 <br /> 1070 Lamar Proctor: Thank you for that presentation. If it's any consolation to the applicant, this particular board is <br /> 1071 very robust in its questioning so I imagine that any information you feel you didn't get an opportunity to present you <br /> 1072 will get to explore with this board, so is the board ready to move to the question portion for the applicant? <br /> 1073 <br /> 1074 Chris Johnston: Will we be following our normal procedure going down the line? <br /> 1075 <br /> 1076 Lamar Proctor: Yes.All right, so Statler if you'd like, do you have any questions? <br /> 1077 <br /> 1078 Statler Gilfillen: I do have one, and going through all the information, and I see a lot of good in your proposal, <br /> 1079 but the schedule is there,the numbers of units, can you give me some idea of what the estimated budget when this is <br /> 1080 completed will be? What is the financial impact in Orange County for this, approximately? <br /> 1081 <br /> 1082 Edwin Cox: I estimated the total budget is between 60 and 75 million for full build out to the 150 units but <br /> 1083 it's going to be in phases so that will be comparably less for each phase. <br /> 1084 <br /> 1085 Statler Gilfillen Thank you. <br /> 1086 <br /> 1087 Lamar Proctor: Ms. Carter? <br /> 1088 <br /> 1089 Marilyn Carter: Mr. Chair, I have several questions, so I don't mind deferring to the other end of the table to <br /> 1090 come back my way. <br /> 1091 <br /> 1092 Lamar Proctor: Let's stick with the normal protocol, because you may ask questions that others are planning <br /> 1093 to ask that will get answered. <br /> 1094 <br /> 1095 Marilyn Carter: Okay,thank you. Well,first off,thank you for the extensive preparation. Your packet, I think it <br /> 1096 made for a lot of very good reading for all of us over the last number of days. I really appreciate the time that it takes <br /> 1097 to put something like this proposal together and of course the staffs time as well. Because we do look at the <br /> 1098 comprehensive plan very closely, I have a question about future land use in the comprehensive plan that I'll ask in a <br /> 1099 moment. I did want to, I have several questions, one has to do with a why, in terms of the consideration for the <br /> 1100 conservation cluster,and it may be Statler to chime in here, but with respect to the proposal and the MPD-CD <br /> 1101 designation,was there a compelling reason why a structure like that,such that was approved recently for the <br /> 1102 Stonewall project,which was also a conservation cluster using AR zoning, I believe, is there a compelling reason why <br /> 1103 that wasn't pursued in this particular zoning request? <br /> 1104 <br /> 1105 Cy Stober: So, I can speak to our analysis,which is two-fold. One is any subdivision creating more than <br /> 1106 20 lots is required to pursue some sort of rezoning. So,the recommendation in the UDO is residential conditional <br /> 1107 district; however, master plan development, because it's a large complex subdivision featuring multiple housing <br /> 1108 types,the definition of master plan development includes large subdivisions and multi-and mixed-use developments. <br /> 1109 The incorporation of the community center and the family care facilities, and my interpretation, and this was,Tom can <br /> 1110 attest to, a subject of robust discussion among the staff, my interpretation was the MPD-CD was the most <br /> 1111 appropriate zoning district to be applied to what Hands Four was proposing. <br /> 1112 <br /> 1113 Marilyn Carter: Okay,thank you. <br /> 1114 <br /> 1115 Charity Kirk: What were the other options? <br /> 1116 <br />
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