Orange County NC Website
25 <br /> 965 did want to make one comment about the question that was asked about how this might affect the rest of the county <br /> 966 and just what we have gone through here.This is in the Haw River watershed,we've got stream buffers,we've got <br /> 967 roadway connection pieces and we've got a number of things. I would be absolutely flabbergasted if there was <br /> 968 another identical piece of property and that is just to say that looking as the staff has talked about into what might be <br /> 969 in other places in the county, you really have to be looking at a specific analysis of what's that watershed,whether it's <br /> 970 a protected watershed and some other things like that. And that just, expands on the work they have to do. Thank <br /> 971 you. <br /> 972 <br /> 973 Edwin Cox: Very briefly on the water,we had a hydrogeologist cross the property back and forth, back and <br /> 974 forth with a magnetometer and generate this map that you see before you. The red areas are areas of high magnetic <br /> 975 strength that represent iron,that is in formations called diabase dikes and they were looking specifically for diabase <br /> 976 because it is highly correlated with a very good source of water, typically 40 gallons per minute or more in the wells <br /> 977 that are drilled in the areas of diabase. There has also been a U.S. Geologic Survey of 600 wells in Orange County. <br /> 978 It was published around 2000 but correlated the area in Orange County with the amount of well yield and in this <br /> 979 particular location in the county, the average well yield was 50 to 75 gallons per minute, so we're pretty confident that <br /> 980 we've got water down there and it's in cracked,fractured rock, it's not in sedimentary rock so the probability of <br /> 981 interference between wells our geologist tells us is very low. And this is the man telling you about the wastewater <br /> 982 system, Kevin Davidson. <br /> 983 <br /> 984 Kevin Davidson: My name is Kevin Davidson, I'm a wastewater engineer. I'm here with my colleagues Jasmine <br /> 985 and Chris. We are AWT engineers and soils scientists,we're a local company that's been around for quite a while. <br /> 986 We routinely help out residents in Orange County. We work with many folks here, are vested in it, been here a long <br /> 987 time, matter of fact we're still working with the local fire station. We will be the ones that help out the development for <br /> 988 the wastewater system.We have looked at the soils and we will continue to look at that. We also will put together the <br /> 989 conceptual plan which is a plan that we have worked with many times throughout North Carolina,the fundamental <br /> 990 part of is called the step system to treatment with ultimately drip dispersal, and we've done that throughout North <br /> 991 Carolina. We've had very good success with it. During the question and answer time, I'd be glad to discuss any <br /> 992 particular components or how we have helped the residents of Orange County and how this system and the <br /> 993 experience that we have with this system, be glad to answer any questions that you, that you may have. <br /> 994 <br /> 995 John Felton: I guess I could read this, but I'd rather get to the other images, but if you have any questions, <br /> 996 let me know on this. Well, I guess the information here, 150 dwelling units,that's in 3 phases, 1.66 dwelling units per <br /> 997 acre, all ownership dwellings,90 single family dwellings, 60 multi-family flats, 300 maximum bedrooms, 260 to 285 <br /> 998 estimated residences, internal road construction is to NCDOT standard and three development phases, as I said, <br /> 999 essentially equal, so 50, 50 and 50. This is the overall master plan and you see the development is nested at the top <br /> 1000 of the site along the upper stream buffer with two access points, one Gold Mine and one off the Morrow Mill. And <br /> 1001 Morrow Mill, the added left and right turn lanes will be added to those two entries and then internal road construction <br /> 1002 to NCDOT standards, so that's a loop road inside.This shows the phase,the proposed phasing for the project. You'll <br /> 1003 see Phase 1, P1,that includes the entry drive for Morrow Mill to the P1 phase and then that loop road extends to the <br /> 1004 first phase of the waste treatment plant and to the recycling center,they're all in the blue color. In Phase 1 and we <br /> 1005 may get to this, but in Phase 1 the community building would be started, in Phase 2, and that's in the yellow color, <br /> 1006 you will have additional single-family residences, townhouses and stacked flat buildings. You'll also have the <br /> 1007 community gardens, storm water management at that point and by the end of that phase we'll need to do Well No. 2 <br /> 1008 to comply. Also, in Phase 2 you'll have the completion of the internal loop road out to Gold Mine. And then in Phase <br /> 1009 3, if you can see the colors here, Phase 3 is over on the left-hand side, that'll be the final phase of 50 units, they'll be <br /> 1010 30 single family houses and 20 multi-family with additional storm water control. <br /> 1011 <br /> 1012 Scott Radway: Four or five slides here that really reflect elements of what's required as information from the <br /> 1013 applicant that fits within the MPD-CD and all of the various layers that are in that. Our requirement is to identify what <br /> 1014 uses are in what pods on the site and what uses are not in what pods on the site, and so what we have here is Pod <br /> 1015 Al which has all of the residential development, it has the community buildings, it has the family care facilities,two <br />