Orange County NC Website
24 <br /> 914 of the land and we would then conserve a large percentage of the remaining land and undisturbed forests. This type <br /> 915 of development embodies the ideas contained in the flexible development conservation cluster in section 7.12.5B of <br /> 916 the UDO. We mentioned these synergistic aspects,the compactness of the developed area and maximizing <br /> 917 conserved acreage to our master planning,John Felton who you'll hear from just now, and he started work on the <br /> 918 project and he'll tell you about what he came up with. <br /> 919 <br /> 920 John Felton: Thank you, good evening, my name's John Felton,architect and senior designer at Cline. <br /> 921 We're a landscape and planning and architectural firm. So in our web sessions the group gave us great opportunities <br /> 922 and a lot of feedback. What they wanted was really in line with either a TND development or a compact <br /> 923 neighborhood. Compact neighborhoods are really just shrinking the built, creating sort of shared spaces, celebrating <br /> 924 common spaces, preserving natural topography and space and de-emphasizing the car. We looked at the TND <br /> 925 model which basically is an alley loaded street front for this group and how they wanted to live, the idea of a pocket <br /> 926 neighborhood basically and Ross Chapin,you're seeing some examples of his work. He practices in the Portland/ <br /> 927 Seattle area,fantastic work and you can see from the images that the car is minimized,the car is still on the street <br /> 928 but it's on the back side of the living space. These small cottages and small homes really,the front porch is to a <br /> 929 natural environment with rain gardens and decomposed gravel walkways so there's less impervious surfaces, and it's <br /> 930 a place that celebrates what they want to celebrate which is each other and so they didn't need a big yard, a big lot, <br /> 931 they don't want that. They want to live closer together in a place that allows them to celebrate each other and their <br /> 932 life and then also multiple or different living opportunities so that they can age in place and not be forced to,when <br /> 933 they're too old to maintain that house,to have to leave and leave their friends. So, it's a purpose built idea and what's <br /> 934 great about it is that when you're driving along the roads you'll never see it, you'll have an entry,you'll have two <br /> 935 entries and then the development is compactly located inside the property. It's a great group and really, I think we've <br /> 936 come up with a wonderful way to put housing on this property. Thank you. <br /> 937 <br /> 938 Scott Radway: Good evening, Scott Radway, planning consultant. I have lived here in Orange County since <br /> 939 1989 and have followed many of their projects through the process for Orange County and also for Hillsborough and <br /> 940 one of the projects I worked on was the Waterstone project and figuring out how to blend the sort of edge of urban <br /> 941 and the edge of I would call rural,which it had been. First I want to talk about the environmental framework for the <br /> 942 project to get it towards the design and what defined the design and how we got together, streams and regulated <br /> 943 buffers, slope, drainage analysis,water supply, soil suitability and many of the documents the County has and others, <br /> 944 it talks about the ability to use public water, public wells, and private water systems and to use collective wastewater <br /> 945 treatment areas in areas where the soils and other aspects are appropriate and we believe this is one. Within the <br /> 946 packet,you have a number of reviews by the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality,which is another <br /> 947 layer above the County and those pieces of information are there. This is the property; I think it is the image that you <br /> 948 see as clear as the one I see up on the wall. <br /> 949 <br /> 950 Beth Bronson: It is. <br /> 951 <br /> 952 Scott Radway: Okay.What we have here is the property that's outlined and four photographs of the types of <br /> 953 streams that run through the site. The streams corridors, and the streams are identified by the county stamp so <br /> 954 we've been working with that information as a core piece of our activity. These two images present almost the same <br /> 955 information. On the left is the piece of property we're talking about and is adjoining properties. Immediately to the <br /> 956 east is the flood plain, the stream corridors are identified but we've identified on here are the stream corridors and the <br /> 957 buffers that are required for them. Some cases they're 85 feet and some cases they're 60 feet, you don't see it on <br /> 958 the screen so well but there's an additional 25 foot drip zone or critical root zone buffer area outside of this specific <br /> 959 distance buffer. The property is really a pretty gentle piece of property, 95 percent of the property is less than a 15 <br /> 960 percent slope which you can see on here. A25 percent slope,which make up less than 1 percent of the site, and <br /> 961 they are, as all know in Orange County, they are part of the stream corridor alignments most of the place, and then <br /> 962 there's 15 to 25 percent slopes. What you see in the middle, it looks like a whitewashed area basically between 0 <br /> 963 and 15 percent slopes and that's 96 percent of the property and it's a pretty gentle piece of property. Of course what <br /> 964 we were looking at was also geological formations for water supply and then for wastewater there is the soils. And I <br />