<br /> 863
<br /> 864 MOTION BY Chris Johnston to extend applicants presentation time to 45 minutes. Seconded by Beth
<br /> 865 Bronson
<br /> 866
<br /> 867 IN FAVOR: Statler Gilfillen, Chris Johnston, Liz Kalies, Beth Bronson.
<br /> 868 OPPOSED: Marilyn Carter, Steve Kaufmann, Lamar Proctor, Charity Kirk, Whitney Watson, Dolores Bailey
<br /> 869 MOTION FAILS 6 to 4
<br /> 870
<br /> 871 Edwin Cox: Thank you, my name's Edwin Cox, I'm the president of Hands Four Development Cooperative.
<br /> 872 That's the applicant. So we're going to have to speed things up a bit,we will refer to Hands Four as H4D through our
<br /> 873 presentation. The name of our development's Fiddlehead Corner and the application's a group of coordinated
<br /> 874 proposed amendments that you've heard about to the UDO,the Future Land Use Map and the comprehensive plan,
<br /> 875 and approval of this set of amendments would allow our organization to create an intentional community for people
<br /> 876 who share a common interest in the arts. There's a strong emphasis in this community on senior living and aging in
<br /> 877 place, as we'll talk about later. So to tell you more about how this came about, I'm pleased to introduce Mareah
<br /> 878 Steketee who is the president of our sister organization, Triangle Traditional Music and Dance Retirement Society.
<br /> 879
<br /> 880 Mareah Steketee: Thank you for the opportunity to present tonight. We're hoping to share a lot of information in
<br /> 881 a short period of time, shorter than expected. 2T, H4D and Fiddlehead Corner are three related organizations, 2T is
<br /> 882 a nonprofit that was established formally in 2014. It is primarily an educational and social organization now. We have
<br /> 883 offered formal orientations about aging and aging in place,what does it take to end life gracefully for over 300 people
<br /> 884 to our orientations. Of those 300 people, a hundred are now 2T members, Hand Four Development was developed
<br /> 885 or established in 2023, it's a cooperative, a business entity,there are 34 members who are contributing financially
<br /> 886 and of their time. This is all based on volunteer work done with a great team of professionals which you'll hear from
<br /> 887 tonight. Fiddlehead Corner, as you know, is our hope to be able to live together, age in place, senior living, has a
<br /> 888 number of different core interests that we hold all in high value. Reasonably priced housing is a bit of a conflict for us
<br /> 889 because we're hoping, planning to provide a significant number of amenities for people, including a large common
<br /> 890 house which will become a living room and activity areas,shared spaces, and so it makes it more difficult along with
<br /> 891 a family care home,two family care homes if the community is built out,to hold costs down. We're very cognizant of
<br /> 892 costs,we're also an environmentally sensitive group. We dance,we're creative individuals, dance, play music, sing,
<br /> 893 carry on and have a lot of different commitments to each other. We've done care teams for many, many years, about
<br /> 894 20 years of care teams and I could talk more about that, but our professionals are here, Scott Radway,John Felton,
<br /> 895 Mike is in the audience, Kevin Davidson will speak. We've continued to use, as you can read in the very long
<br /> 896 application, a number of different professionals that have guided us along the way. I'm going to turn this over to Ed
<br /> 897 again. Thank you.
<br /> 898
<br /> 899 Edwin Cox: Thank you Maria. As we set the goal for ourselves as an intentional community for living as
<br /> 900 we aged,we wanted features that would allow us remain in the community as our abilities declined. And from the
<br /> 901 experience of our parents and others that we knew,we recognized the pitfalls of trying to live in our own home, so we
<br /> 902 concluded that some sort of communal living was our best solution. We knew about CCRCs and you're familiar with
<br /> 903 them, as well. They're a good many positive attributes, there's independent living but step up care as your needs
<br /> 904 increase. Assisted living, skilled nursing and memory care. But a lot of activities and social interaction as well. The
<br /> 905 negative attributes are the complex licensing and financing requirements, steep entry fees, often nonrefundable, high
<br /> 906 monthly costs, and long waiting lists. I don't know if you've tried to think ahead and get on Carol Woods or Carolina
<br /> 907 Meadows,you've got to think well ahead. Our approach has been to take the best features of the CCRCs and leave
<br /> 908 the rest behind, so we wanted a variety of housing that was right sized and had universal design,we wanted
<br /> 909 clustering to be close so mobility would be easy for all people of all abilities. We wanted activities planned and
<br /> 910 managed by the creative community of residents, a continuum of care, care teams to look after one another,family
<br /> 911 care home, inclusive governance, ownership with equity and no special licensing other than the family care homes.
<br /> 912 So in order to implement this,we had the idea of two complementary characteristics, one is to have a compact
<br /> 913 community that would facilitate interaction and mobility as I discussed earlier, and it would develop on a small portion
<br />