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19 <br /> 659 Lamar Proctor: Can you briefly sum up the difference between RNAN and RCAN node, rural community rural <br /> 660 neighborhood? <br /> 661 <br /> 662 Tom Altieri: Not any more than I did by reading those definitions of the two. <br /> 663 <br /> 664 Beth Bronson: Chair, I apologize, I have a question. But if you would like to go first, please. <br /> 665 <br /> 666 Cy Stober: The only thing that I would have to add is that when they were assigned,the rural <br /> 667 neighborhood activity node was to serve a population of 1,000 people or less and the rural community activity node <br /> 668 was to serve a population of 1,000 to 5,000 people. Tom covered everything else. <br /> 669 <br /> 670 Lamar Proctor: Okay, Ms. Bronson. <br /> 671 <br /> 672 Beth Bronson: Thank you, and just because you did clarify the definition of the RCAN and the RNAN,the <br /> 673 neighborhood activity node would be more for like the mom and pop convenience stores,this idea that there were <br /> 674 local farmers that were coming together at this historical crossroads and provided a service,versus a rural <br /> 675 community activity node that would be focused on where that 1,000 to 5,000 would come for, I guess congregation or <br /> 676 there would be a fire station and or a post office or a school, something, it would be an institution. So, to be clear,the <br /> 677 proposed amendment is asking to change it from a rural neighborhood activity to a rural community activity. Would <br /> 678 that be accurate? <br /> 679 <br /> 680 Tom Altieri: No, all but the last part, so we're talking about expanding the existing rural neighborhood <br /> 681 activity node at Morrow Mill and NC 54 to cover the balance of the property,a portion of the property on the north <br /> 682 does have some of the neighborhood node within it. So it would be to expand that node to cover the entire property <br /> 683 and then for consistency purposes,that's where you get to the matrix and add in the diamond there to allow for that <br /> 684 zoning district within the rural neighborhood activity node. It's already allowed in the rural community activity node. <br /> 685 <br /> 686 Beth Bronson: Got it, now that said, does the rural neighborhood activity node have a limit on the acreage <br /> 687 that can be designated? <br /> 688 <br /> 689 Tom Altieri: Not in the comprehensive plan, no. <br /> 690 <br /> 691 Beth Bronson: Okay, and I only ask this because a couple of meetings ago we had a conversation about the <br /> 692 rural community activity node reaching its limit of rezoned parcels from agricultural residential to general commercial <br /> 693 and there was a discussion about whether or not that hit a threshold for what was allowable, not to say that that can't <br /> 694 be changed or that can't be amended, but I just wanted to clarify if that would create the same type of limitation. <br /> 695 <br /> 696 Tom Altieri: So, I believe the standard or the threshold that you're referring to is in the unified development <br /> 697 ordinance, I don't have that section off the top of my head, but given time I think I could find it. There was at one <br /> 698 point a threshold there that applied to how much acreage within the node could be rezoned. <br /> 699 <br /> 700 Beth Bronson: And to be clear,when we were speaking about that,that was the rural community activity <br /> 701 node, not the neighborhood, so I don't know,we haven't discussed if there is an actual threshold to the rural <br /> 702 neighborhood activity node,so I just wanted to clarify that. Thank you. <br /> 703 <br /> 704 Lamar Proctor: Ms. Kirk and then Statler. <br /> 705 <br /> 706 Charity Kirk: I'm hoping that the applicant will present, but since we're asking questions now,why does the <br /> 707 whole parcel need to be converted to a rural activity node? Is it because an agricultural residential parcel doesn't <br /> 708 support multi-family dwellings? <br /> 709 <br />