<br /> 557 are shown on the map. It does identify flood plain,wetlands, bottom land, hardwood forests and soils of importance
<br /> 558 that are of conservation value, so that has been noted in that letter in that section. The letter, I believe is Attachment
<br /> 559 5 as part of the zoning atlas agenda item,you can find it there. These flood plains,wetlands, hardwood forests,soils
<br /> 560 of importance,that reflects what's included in the letter. Just a little bit of analysis of the neighborhood node. So, this
<br /> 561 is the node at Morrow Mill and centered at NC 54. The node is a quarter mile radius and based on an assumption,
<br /> 562 what we've tried to do here is try to make some determination of,well, how much of that existing node is developed
<br /> 563 versus undeveloped, and in order to do that you have to make an assumption,and the assumption that's used here,
<br /> 564 the areas that are shown in darker blue as developed,the assumption is if there's a structure on a lot that's 20 acres
<br /> 565 or greater in size,we're saying that's developed, so again, it's up to individual property owners choices. There may
<br /> 566 be some development potential that's left on those lots that are 20 acres or less in size that we're calling developed,
<br /> 567 but, generally that's the assumption that we've made here. You change that assumption and the map here would
<br /> 568 look a little bit different. So based on that assumption, approximately 37 percent of the acreage within the node is
<br /> 569 developed. Just a little bit about land uses in the area,we do have some non-residential uses, the PSM Food Mart,
<br /> 570 the Piedmont Feed and Garden Center, and the UNC Chapel Hill facility there as well. There are also 16 single
<br /> 571 family homes located within the node. So,there's been reference to Appendix F in the comprehensive plan. The
<br /> 572 amendment is to add MPD-CD, Master Plan Development Conditional District as a compatible use within the rural
<br /> 573 neighborhood activity node. The matrix does provide that linkage,that connection for consistency between the future
<br /> 574 land use classifications on the map with zoning districts that are part of the zoning atlas and this amendment would
<br /> 575 establish that consistency between the comprehensive plan and the applicant's request for its rezoning and with this
<br /> 576 matrix the only change is highlighted in that red box, adding a diamond there at the rural neighborhood activity node.
<br /> 577 Noting that, in the rural neighborhood activity node, the only conditional district that is not currently consistent is
<br /> 578 MPD-CD, so there are three other conditional districts that are permissible within that node. The applicant's request
<br /> 579 for amendments is based on the premise that changes have occurred and are occurring in the county. The changes
<br /> 580 are reflected in the letter of request from the applicant, that's Attachment 1 in your packet and just very generally, it's
<br /> 581 more detailed in the letter, but that letter speaks largely to changing demographics in the county,the growing senior
<br /> 582 age population,those age 65 and over, and the need for housing and neighborhoods to meet their needs. Staff has
<br /> 583 put together this slide and the subsequent slide to provide some land use-related information about all of the rural
<br /> 584 neighborhood activity nodes countywide. If that matrix were amended to include that MPD-CD,then it would also be
<br /> 585 permissible in the other nodes that are throughout the county, so that brings me to this slide. There are ten
<br /> 586 countywide, including the node at Morrow Mill and NC 54,totaling a little over 1,100 acres based on the same
<br /> 587 assumption used previously about the 20-acre lot size being developed with a structure on it,48 percent of the
<br /> 588 neighborhood nodes countywide could be considered developed noting that this does not represent the actual
<br /> 589 impervious development footprint, it's just based solely on lot size. These nodes have been included as part of our
<br /> 590 land use element on the Future Land Use Map since it was originally adopted in 1981. The same applies with our
<br /> 591 rural community activity nodes, as well, those have been on the map since the original plan, as well, and were carried
<br /> 592 over in the 2006 comprehensive plan that we're currently discussing today. Staff analysis as required under LIDO
<br /> 593 Section 2.3, the planning director is to cause an analysis to be made in the application and prepare a
<br /> 594 recommendation. The planning director has acknowledged that the application is complete,that Appendix F is
<br /> 595 supportive of the principals, goals and objectives outlined in the comprehensive plan, the proposal does speak to
<br /> 596 changing demographic conditions in the county and that the proposal establishes consistency between the
<br /> 597 comprehensive plan and the requests for the rezoning. The MPD-CD zoning district was originally established to be
<br /> 598 a mechanism through which innovative proposals could be considered. I will add here that I have not listed on this
<br /> 599 slide the consistent goals and objectives and principles, those are all listed specifically in your abstract, I just didn't
<br /> 600 want to take up this time and the space on this slide here, but those are in your packet within the abstract.And then,
<br /> 601 finally, the text amendment application features a complementary amendment to Article 3 MPD-CD standards
<br /> 602 regarding the future land use classifications that support MPD-CD. So that concludes the presentation. I will just
<br /> 603 address the one question to the extent that I am able, those nodes were established in the original 1981 plan. There
<br /> 604 is a little bit of information in the plan regarding the definitions of those areas and I didn't provide the definition for the
<br /> 605 rural community activity node in the slide deck,this was the larger node that was located at the intersection of NC 54
<br /> 606 and White Cross, and as defined, a rural community activity node is land focused on designation road intersections
<br /> 607 which serve as a nodal crossroads for the surrounding rural community and is an appropriate location for any of the
<br />