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16 <br /> 506 on as first, in other words, at what point if there's general agreement of the board,that we should vote on accepting <br /> 507 this particular amendment,the one amendment. <br /> 508 <br /> 509 Lamar Proctor: I think we need to go through the process as stated, hearing from staff, hearing from the applicant, <br /> 510 questions from the board, public comment, deliberation,and then we will take each item separately. <br /> 511 <br /> 512 Marilyn Carter: Okay,very good,thank you. <br /> 513 <br /> 514 Cy Stober: So,this was not a staff-initiated amendment, it was an applicant initiated amendment, so the <br /> 515 applicant needs to speak to the matter before any action should be taken. <br /> 516 <br /> 517 Lamar Proctor: Yes, and I had a quick question and tell me if this is the next part of your presentation,the <br /> 518 difference between rural community and rural neighborhood activity nodes and why MPD-CD zoning was applicable <br /> 519 to RCAN, but not RNAN if there's some explicit reason. <br /> 520 <br /> 521 Cy Stober: Tom and I will do our best to try to read the minds of folks in 2006 and make that determination. <br /> 522 But yeah,that's where we're heading. <br /> 523 <br /> 524 Lamar Proctor: All right,thank you. Any other questions before we proceed,okay,thank you. <br /> 525 <br /> 526 Cy Stober: So,the Future Land Use Map designations for this property are agricultural residential in green. <br /> 527 The definitions that are applied to the two Future Land Use Map designations can be found here on the slide. The <br /> 528 other is rural neighborhood activity node which covers the intersection of Morrow Mill and North Carolina 54. And <br /> 529 then the applicant has proposed to amend here in the hashing the activity node to extend to the limits of the property. <br /> 530 And with that, I will ask Tom to come up and address Item 7 which he conducted the analysis on. This is Tom Altieri, <br /> 531 Senior Planner. <br /> 532 <br /> 533 Tom Altieri: Yes,thank you Cy, good evening. So, the purpose of this item is to consider two applicant-initiated <br /> 534 amendments to the comprehensive plan,the first being to the Future Land Use Map to expand the Rural <br /> 535 Neighborhood Activity Node and the second a text amendment to Appendix F of the Comprehensive Plan which is <br /> 536 the land use and zoning matrix. I have about 13 slides so a couple of them will look similar to what was provided in <br /> 537 the zoning atlas amendment deck so I'll go through those quickly. The proposed amendment is to expand the rural <br /> 538 neighborhood activity node by approximately 71.6 acres from the land use classification agricultural residential to <br /> 539 rural neighborhood activity node. And the text amendment again to Appendix F as I mentioned. This particular slide <br /> 540 includes a vicinity map of the Future Land Use Map and it shows how the adjacent properties or local properties are <br /> 541 classified on the Future Land Use Map. The classifications that you see here include agricultural residential,the <br /> 542 node that we have mentioned several times, rural residential, rural community activity node,and then the rural buffer, <br /> 543 and on the next slide it's a little bit better view of the area here. Just to kind of orient, the reverse C shape in the <br /> 544 middle of the map there, that is the property in question. Just to the north is the rural neighborhood activity node. <br /> 545 The rural community activity node at White Cross is further to the east there. It's a little less than 2 miles, about 1.8 <br /> 546 miles,from the central portion of the neighborhood node to the central portion of that community node. The <br /> 547 boundary of the rural buffer is further to the east you can see it there on the map where University Lake watershed is <br /> 548 labeled there, but predominantly agricultural residential which is the lighter of the two green shades on the map. In <br /> 549 Mr. Stober's presentation he reviewed the definitions of the agricultural residential and rural neighborhood activity <br /> 550 node. I'll get to the community node in just a bit. But there's also an overlay in this area and that is the resource <br /> 551 protection area overlay that is land designated as primary conservation area which includes wetlands and flood <br /> 552 plains, steep slopes, natural areas,wildlife habitats and corridors, and significant historic and archaeological sites. <br /> 553 There is a very small portion on the property all the way in the lower right-hand corner where you see the dark green <br /> 554 area, that is the area of resource protection overlay. There is a letter in your packet, really all of this information is in <br /> 555 your packet, but I know you can't read the letter that's here on the screen, but it is from the county's Department of <br /> 556 Environment,Agriculture, Parks, and Recreation, and it speaks specifically to those resource protection areas that <br />