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14 <br /> 406 Any other requirements are the requirements for site plan and master plan development submittal,there are no other <br /> 407 proposed conditions. The applicant conducted a traffic impact analysis, an environmental site assessment, they've <br /> 408 provided analysis on architectural for all non-residential uses and made commitments there, and they've also <br /> 409 analyzed the utilities and they have more detail on this, including the proposed wastewater treatment. Those have all <br /> 410 been reviewed by the staff on the development advisory committee which includes staff from environmental health; <br /> 411 emergency services; solid waste; and department of environment, agriculture, parks, and recreation. The <br /> 412 consistency analysis was conducted by staff and I'll note that it was not just current planning and zoning staff, but <br /> 413 also our comprehensive and long-range planning and administrative staff, and you'll hear more from Tom Altieri,the <br /> 414 senior planner in that division in a moment. And part of the analysis is that family care facilities are not a permitted <br /> 415 use in the master plan development conditional district which brings us to Item 8, the proposed text amendments. <br /> 416 There are two amendments proposed by the applicant, one is to add family care home as a permitted use in MPD- <br /> 417 CD district and the other is to rewrite a footnote in Section 3.8 which is the description of the MPD-CD zoning district <br /> 418 that corresponds to the proposed amendments to the comprehensive plan that would allow MPD-CD districts in rural <br /> 419 neighborhood activities nodes. There was one amendment proposed by staff that is in the abstract for Item 8 that is <br /> 420 to bring our definition for family care home into alignment with that of the state. So just a brief analysis and this really <br /> 421 is a reiteration of what's in the abstract, it's fairly straightforward. 160D,which is the land use and development <br /> 422 statute, determines what a family care facility is for everyone in the state and the definition is provided here. To be <br /> 423 clear, a family care home is deemed a residential use of property for zoning purposes and is a permissible use in all <br /> 424 residential districts and we shall not limit that use by making it a special use or requiring a variance to require <br /> 425 additional burdens for anyone who wishes to have a family care facility on a residential property. Our definition of <br /> 426 master plan development, it references unified large-scale subdivisions which are presumed to be residential in <br /> 427 nature, as well as mixed use developments, also presumed to be partially residential in nature. And reviewing that, <br /> 428 we've assessed that all 16 conventional zoning districts that permit residential uses and the two conditional districts <br /> 429 that support residential uses already allow family care facilities and therefore, it would be appropriate to bring this use <br /> 430 as an allowed use into the MPD-CD district. There is an accompanying amendment in the applicant's text <br /> 431 amendment application that addresses, again,that footnote in Article 3 for MPD-CD being permitted in the rural <br /> 432 neighborhood activity node,and this corresponds to the application for the comprehensive plan amendment to <br /> 433 amend Appendix F to allow the same thing. You are permitted to consider the two amendments separately. Are <br /> 434 there any questions on that before we move forward? <br /> 435 <br /> 436 Whitney Watson: Yes, I have a question. One of the notes about the MPD-CD,was that there seemed to be an <br /> 437 oversight in the matrix,which is one of the suggestions. I was wondering if perhaps the rural community <br /> 438 neighborhood, or rural community activity node,was not the actual mistake where it had allowed the master plan <br /> 439 development conditional district as opposed to having been omitted from the other. Because it seems to me that in <br /> 440 both the community and the neighborhood activity nodes going into this master plan fundamentally changes the <br /> 441 character of those activity nodes, at least according to the definitions in both the UDO and the plan, so could you talk <br /> 442 a little bit about how those two nodes,activity nodes are different from each other and how they will be, how it might <br /> 443 be corrected by adding. <br /> 444 <br /> 445 Cy Stober: Thank you for the segue,that's the very next thing we were going to get to Mr.Watson,thank you. <br /> 446 <br /> 447 Lamar Proctor: All right, good, and I do want to take an aside.This is unrelated to your presentation, but the sign- <br /> 448 up sheets, the people who have signed up tonight,that will be the end of the sign-up. If we go into multiple sessions, <br /> 449 1 just want to make this clear,there won't be an additional opportunity for more people to sign up. Only those who <br /> 450 sign up this evening prior to the public comment period will be permitted to speak. <br /> 451 <br /> 452 Cy Stober: Let me rush those back to the sign-in table so folks can sign in if they want. <br /> 453 <br /> 454 Dolores Bailey: Mr. Chair, does that mean that if they haven't signed up tonight that they will be able to sign up? <br /> 455 <br />