Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> Slide#23 <br /> • <br /> Discussion <br /> STRATEGIC PLAN <br /> 2022-2027 <br /> Chair Bedford asked if the 0-19 band can be broken up into two pieces. She said the <br /> General Assembly has been adding salary increases for beginning teachers more than <br /> experienced ones. <br /> Jonathan Scott said the district is able to set their own bands and ideally you do not see <br /> many increases as a certified staff member. He said that they have looked at progressive <br /> increases but unfortunately the cost of implementation would require it to be phased in over time <br /> and feedback would be needed from everyone involved before it was done. <br /> Commissioner Fowler asked for more information on the other three districts that are <br /> paying higher than CHCCS. <br /> Jonathan Scott said he thinks other districts are allocating money differently. He said he <br /> believes they are the last district in the state that has a TA in every K-5 classroom. He said that <br /> they are targeting the funds differently than other districts. He said a lot of districts abandoned the <br /> TA positions, but they have not and that is where the dollars are going. <br /> George Griffin said CHCCS has a lot of programs that other districts are not able to have. <br /> He said they are at a tipping point, however, and may have to reduce programming and staffing <br /> but they are making a concerted effort to understand the administrative positions to have <br /> credibility with the public when cuts are made. <br /> Commissioner Fowler said she is pro-schools and previously served on the school board. <br /> She said that she appreciates that they are looking at what they can do. <br /> Chair Bedford said, without the corrective action plan, they are asking for about a $296 <br /> per pupil increase and in 2008 she was on the schoolboard, and they made almost identical cuts. <br /> She said the TA positions are important and provide a lot of benefits to certified teachers. She <br /> said that she does not think that this year's budget will be as robust and said the public preparation <br /> and budget work is likely necessary. <br /> George Griffin said that CHCCS receives the highest percentage of local budget funding <br /> in the state. He said that the state is not even meeting half of the school's financial needs. <br /> Chair Bedford said many young families who would have school aged children are not <br /> able to afford to move to Orange County. <br />