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have at a public hearing the information that folks may want to hear. I'm <br /> inclined to push the public hearing off. Hearing from parents is not hearing <br /> from the whole community. <br /> Rani: Because we're asking for so much, it'll be important to bring people <br /> along and let them see where their interests are represented in this. We need <br /> to help the rest of the community see how this improves value. I remember <br /> from last time how important it was for folks to understand what was <br /> underneath the plans. <br /> Bonnie: it's important for our voters to know what they're getting. <br /> Gary: There are 3 actions required: we have to do it by end of this fiscal <br /> year. <br /> Commissioner Bedford: We'll need some preliminary plans to share with <br /> the public.Application for bond committee.And budget amendment to fund <br /> that committee. We might need to schedule an additional joint meeting to <br /> be ready for the public hearing. Have these projects presented. <br /> Rani: As long as we have the rough guidelines, it'll be really important to <br /> highlight what's being done in all the schools. Could just include the major <br /> components at first <br /> Commissioner Hamilton: I agree,we should have as much detail by the end <br /> of May from both school districts as possible. Knowing there will be <br /> adjustments. <br /> Bonnie: We're asking voters to approve a 300 million dollar bond,but a 400 <br /> million dollar capital plan, and it's the capital investment that's leading the <br /> tax increase,not just the bond itself. So I leave it to the County to determine <br /> how to present this. The bond projects are locked in, but the other projects <br /> have more flexibility. I don't know how that conversation happens with the <br /> public but the county will need to think about that. <br /> Commissioner Bedford: That's one of the jobs of the bond education <br /> committee <br /> Travis: we can prioritize this as part of the agenda review for the board <br /> meeting <br /> Rani: This should focus on what voters are looking at: the bond. <br /> Bonnie:We want to be clear,because we're not asking the voters to approve <br /> all of this,just the 300 million for the bond <br />