Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> matters shall constitute Basic Services and shall be performed by the Provider <br /> without additional compensation. If negotiation and design adjustments fail to <br /> bring costs within the total project cost the County may reject all bids and <br /> Provider will redesign or reduce portions of the project in an effort to reduce the <br /> bid prices to within the total project cost and rebid the project. One such redesign <br /> is included within Basic Services. If this second letting for bids does not produce <br /> bids that are within the approved total project cost initially or after negotiations <br /> with the contractor the cost is not reduced to an amount within the total project <br /> cost, the Provider is not obligated to engage in further redesign. <br /> 3. Basic Services <br /> a. Basic Services. The Services to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement are as follows <br /> (fully describe services to be provided): Professional Design and Engineering (e.g. Sign <br /> and Seal bid documents for construction, ROW, Utility, etc.) a 1.07 mile sidewalk along <br /> northwest side of Orange Grove Road, from existing sidewalk near Elfland Blvd in <br /> Hillsborough, NC to first driveway at Cedar Ridge High School along Grady Brown <br /> School Road, see attached Scope of Work, Schedule and Cost Plus based rates. Detail <br /> Scope of Work in Attachment 1. Federal and State provisions are included in Exhibits A <br /> and B respectively. Exhibits A and B are hereby incorporated into this contract by <br /> reference, and the State and Federal requirements set forth in these attachments are <br /> hereby additionally incorporated in this contract by reference as though fully set out <br /> here. <br /> 4. Duration of Services <br /> a. Term. The term of this Agreement shall be from July 1, 2024 to December 30, 2024. <br /> b. Scheduling of Services. <br /> i) The Provider shall schedule and perform its activities in a timely manner. <br /> ii) Should the County determine that the Provider is behind schedule, it may require <br /> the Provider to expedite and accelerate its efforts, including providing additional <br /> resources and working overtime, as necessary, to perform its services in <br /> accordance with the approved project schedule at no additional cost to the <br /> County. <br /> iii) The Commencement Date for the Provider's Basic Services shall be June 1, 2024. <br /> 5. Compensation <br /> a. Compensation for Basic Services. Compensation for Basic Services shall include all <br /> compensation due the Provider from the County for all services satisfactorily (as <br /> determined by the County) performed pursuant to this Agreement. The maximum <br /> amount payable for Basic Services shall not exceed Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand <br /> Dollars ($250,000). Payment for satisfactorily performed Basic Services shall become <br /> due and payable within thirty(30) days of Provider properly invoicing County. Payment <br /> shall be subject to provisions of Section 5(b). <br /> Revised 01/24 <br /> 3 <br />