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of the items relevant to the council in that list is the inclusion of a new Central <br /> Recreation Center. As a part of this funding scenario, they are looking at reductions in <br /> the existing CIP, while this is just a proposal that came before the Commissioners, there <br /> is a consideration to reduce several existing projects by$17 million. The majority of the <br /> projects under this current consideration are parks and open space projects. The <br /> projects reviewed under these considered reductions would be deferred to the year <br /> 2035 or later. One element that the PRC would be interested in would be the delay in <br /> construction of the two large soccer projects— expansion and Millhouse <br /> Road Park. The county has a deficit of available soccer fields, and reducing the budget <br /> allocation to these projects could postpone new field construction. Stancil added that <br /> while addressing the growing need for school improvements was clearly a high priority <br /> for the Commissioners, no formal action was taken during the retreat to commit to <br /> these specific proposed reductions. The CIP will be presented in April and public <br /> hearings will follow. At that point any reductions in the recommended CIP will be <br /> known. Trevor Robinson asked if the council could request the BOCC to find reductions <br /> elsewhere. Stancil informed the council of their ability to do so, however, he advised the <br /> board to wait to consider this at a later meeting once the CIP has been recommended. <br /> Zimmerman asked if fields would be included in the potential school improvements and <br /> rebuilds. There are no current proposals to include new field construction, but the <br /> council could request joint use with any new school construction. Stancil noted that <br /> much of the school's needs, as he understood them, were renovations and rebuilds of <br /> existing older school facilities, which would likely not include new field areas. <br /> Zimmerman extended interest in monitoring the discussions for potential shared use <br /> facilities. Conversations already underway will continue with soccer organizations that <br /> may create some solutions to the field deficit. An update will be provided in March. <br /> Old Business <br /> A. P&R Master Plan 2030 Report - Status: Stancil reminded the group of the Parks and <br /> Recreation Master Plan as the council last addressed the topic in September. The <br /> Master Plan was drafted in 2014 and extends to 2030. Beginning in 2022, the council <br /> recognized it as a good time to begin assessing the progress of the plan, in keeping with <br /> the Plan's own recommendation to review at 10 years. The council has completed <br /> approximately two-thirds of the mid-plan review. While the Council planned to bring the <br /> review to the Commissioners, they are under no set deadline. Stancil will continue to <br /> draft the remaining recommendations to bring before the council in April. The council <br /> will then discuss and finalize the review to be sent to the Commissioners by June. <br /> Report of the Director <br /> A. Project/Program Updates—Stancil shared that he has been writing an RFP for a <br /> consultant to create the Countywide Trails Plan (CTP). It will need to be sent to the <br /> County Manager for approval in March, proposals from firms will be solicited in April or <br /> May and hopefully the contract will be awarded by the BOCC to a consultant in early <br /> summer to begin the community engagement and data collection process. <br /> There is continued progress in a stewardship and management plan for the Headwaters <br />