Orange County NC Website
Meeting Summary— Parks and Recreation Council <br /> February 7th, 2024 <br /> Bonnie B. Davis Center, Hillsborough <br /> Members Present: Andrea Zimmerman (Vice-Chair), Mikki Fleming, Xilong Zhao, Chris Colvin, <br /> Louise Flinn, Trevor Robinson <br /> Members Absent: Rod Jones, Grayson Shinn, Gina Reyman, Natalie Ziemba, Lilly Kohout <br /> Staff: David Stancil, Abby Mattingly <br /> Co-Chair Andrea Zimmerman called the meeting to order at 6:33pm. <br /> Report of the Chair: <br /> a. Chair Comments—Chair Natalie Ziemba was out of the country, and Vice-Chair Andrea <br /> Zimmerman conducted the meeting. David Stancil informed the group that Natalie <br /> Ziemba would be attending the annual report presentation next week with him to <br /> deliver the council's annual work plan results to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> b. Changes to the agenda — No changes were made. <br /> New Business: <br /> A. Approval of December 6 Meeting Summary- No changes were made. Zimmerman <br /> moved to approve the meeting summary; Xilong Zhao seconded. All in favor, none <br /> opposed, motion carried. <br /> B. Appointment Recommendations: Abby Mattingly reminded the council of the open <br /> seats and of their recent recommendation to the BOCC, which will be examined at their <br /> next work session. Since the council has not received any applications from Little River <br /> Township, the group was only able to address the vacant At-Large position. Zimmerman <br /> began the conversation by bringing attention to an applicant with a background in earth <br /> science and leadership. Louise Flinn suggested leaning towards an applicant with a <br /> background in recreation, considering the recent conversations in ensuring both parks <br /> and recreation have prominent advocates on the council. Mikki Fleming suggested an <br /> applicant with a background in recreation who had been addressed as a potential <br /> recommendation in prior meetings. Zimmerman mentioned that the council might want <br /> to consider the dates that individuals applied when considering if an applicant would <br /> still be interested in the position. Zimmerman moved to recommend Gregory Husketh, <br /> Flinn seconded, all in favor, none opposed, motion carried. Staff will reach out to <br /> Husketh to ensure his continued interest in the position before formally recommending <br /> him to the BOCC for consideration. <br /> C. Potential Capital Investment Plan Reductions (BOCC Retreat): Stancil shared some of <br /> the outcomes of the BOCC annual retreat where they considered upcoming capital <br /> funding needs, especially of the schools. Stancil shared some of the bond scenarios <br /> discussed and some of the things in the county facilities plan identified as needs for the <br /> County and could potentially be included within the Capital Investment Plan (CIP). One <br />