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5 <br /> The Local Government Affordable Housing Collaborative (the "Collaborative"), comprised of one <br /> (1) elected official and staff members from Orange County and the Towns of Carrboro, Chapel <br /> Hill, and Hillsborough, reviewed the received applications for the FY 2024-2025 HOME Program <br /> on March 18, 2024 and made the following funding recommendations for consideration by each <br /> of the jurisdictions' elected bodies: <br /> Applicant and Project Funding Funding <br /> Requested Awarded <br /> CASA— Rental Development $500,000.00 $314,047.00* <br /> OCPEH —Tenant Based Rental Assistance $267,948.00 $197,442.40 <br /> Habitat for Humanity— Homebu er Assistance $395,850.00 - <br /> EMPOWERment— Rental Acquisition $200,000.00 - <br /> Total $1,363,798.00 $511,489.40 <br /> *Includes "Local Match"amount from previous table <br /> In accordance with HUD requirements and the Orange County Citizen Participation Plan, the <br /> Orange County HOME Consortium must hold a public hearing to obtain residents' comments and <br /> feedback on the draft Annual Action Plan during the public comment period, from April 1 — May 2, <br /> 2024. <br /> Notice of this public hearing was published in The Herald Sun and La Noticia. Copies of the draft <br /> Annual Action Plan were posted on the Orange County Housing Department website, and a link <br /> to the website and draft plan were circulated by public notice in the newspapers listed above, as <br /> well as by email to more than 100 relevant stakeholders to include local service providers, <br /> nonprofit organizations, government entities, elected officials, and interested residents. <br /> All comments received during this hearing, and anytime during the public comment period, will be <br /> incorporated into the final HOME Annual Action Plan to be submitted to HUD. Before submitting <br /> the final plan, the Board of Commissioners will consider the approval of the HOME Annual Action <br /> Plan and the FY 2024-2025 HOME Program Design (funding recommendations) later in 2024. <br /> The governing boards for the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough are also scheduled <br /> to consider approval in 2024 in order for the final plan to be submitted to HUD by the federal <br /> deadline in May 2024. <br /> Blake Rosser, Interim Director of Housing, reviewed the background information for the <br /> item and made the following presentation: <br />