Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> 1 3. Announcements, Petitions and Comments by Board Members <br /> 2 Commissioner Hamilton said the Strategic Plan Performance Measurement group met <br /> 3 earlier in the day and are making progress on developing measures. <br /> 4 Commissioner Fowler said the Intergovernmental Parks Work Group met and they <br /> 5 received a presentation on the Triangle wildlife connectivity plan. She said it was noted that the <br /> 6 document should be included in future parks and conservation planning. She said they also <br /> 7 generated ideas for future collaborative projects. She said she attended the Central Pines <br /> 8 Regional Planning Organization (CPRPO) meeting. She said that Southern Pines and Pinehurst <br /> 9 are forming an MPO, but it is still in progress. She said as a result Central Pines will give 400 <br /> 10 points to that MPO in the first year. She said they also changed by-laws to reflect the name <br /> 11 change from TARPO to CPRPO. She said she attended the DCHC MPO meeting. She said the <br /> 12 meeting was an introductory meeting for elected officials. She said that for anyone who is curious <br /> 13 about transportation acronyms, there is a glossary on their website. She said the presentation <br /> 14 was also available. She said there will be a Solid Waste Advisory Group meeting on April 29. <br /> 15 Commissioner Portie-Ascott said there is a transportation summit in Greensboro on May <br /> 16 21 and 22. She said she met with the HYAA president, Patrick Cummings, to hear his plan to <br /> 17 ensure that all Orange County students have access to baseball and softball. She said she <br /> 18 attended the Take Down Tobacco event at AL Stanback Middle School. She said she attended <br /> 19 the first design workshop for the Greene Tract. She said they heard from residents who expressed <br /> 20 concerns about who would really live there. She said she attended the Orange County Partnership <br /> 21 to End Homelessness leadership meeting. She said a documentary highlighting the need for <br /> 22 bridge housing will be shown at the Seymour Center the following day. She said she toured the <br /> 23 Piedmont Food Processing Center. She said they are supporting 66 businesses with over 150 <br /> 24 employees. <br /> 25 Chair Bedford said Commissioner McKee was running late, but she read his <br /> 26 announcements and updates. She said he attended the Durham Tech Finance and Infrastructure <br /> 27 committee meeting where they mentioned the possible expansion of transportation services <br /> 28 between the Durham and Orange campuses. She said he is petitioning the County Manager and <br /> 29 staff to look into the feasibility of any potential expansion. <br /> 30 Chair Bedford noted that the Public Safety Telecommunications Week proclamation was <br /> 31 on the consent agenda. She said there is an opioid settlement community meeting on April 27 at <br /> 32 the Whitted Building in Hillsborough. She said she and Vice-Chair Greene will tour the Food Hub <br /> 33 in Durham on April 18. She said there is a job fair on April 17 at DSS in Hillsborough. She said <br /> 34 the previous Friday there was a Mayors Managers Chair (MMC) meeting to discuss updates and <br /> 35 progress on the Greene Tract. She said they hope to receive recommendations on what can be <br /> 36 built on the Greene Tract by September. She said that they reiterated procedures for the MMC, <br /> 37 and that if there is a decision that needs to be made, it will be brought back to the full boards. <br /> 38 She said they will share information from MMC meetings with the individual boards. <br /> 39 Vice-Chair Greene reviewed the topics that will be discussed at the opioid settlement <br /> 40 community meeting on April 27. <br /> 41 Commissioner Richards said she attended the Jordan One Water meeting. She said that <br /> 42 the Town of Chapel Hill and Orange County Soil and Water have also joined the board. She said <br /> 43 that the fact that it is a coalition and that they are all working together is good for the future of <br /> 44 Jordan Lake. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 4. Proclamations/ Resolutions/ Special Presentations <br /> 47 None. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 <br />