Orange County NC Website
27 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Slide #45 <br /> FY2024-34 Recommended Capital Investment Plan <br /> • Timing for County Long Range Facility Plan Projects <br /> County Long Range Facilities Plan Courity Long Range Facll4 Plan,Projects <br /> FolloWng O'Brien Atkins Recommen{fations Recommended in FY2024-34 Cl P <br /> Up to$94.1 Million Your of constructlon Project County Cost <br /> Saver,Mapr Projects, FY2025-26 lusfite 5ystem Spare Needs $15,479,233 <br /> FY2027-28 Cedar Grove Conditiongd Storage $2,535,294 <br /> FY2027-28 Emergency Services Headg4arter5. $31,871,4.54 <br /> Justice System Space Needs FY2028-29 AMS OfteConversion $3,541,385 <br /> Link R2Cdnstructlon-$12;00$1,941 FY2929-39 Recreation Facility $21,639,743 <br /> Jail deconstruction-$2,226.087 FY2030-31 [Deconstruct Old Recreation Facirity $1,495,784. <br /> Justice Facility Improvements -$$12,221 FY2031-32 Southern Human 5ervices $9,628,672 <br /> • District Attorney Office Deconstruction-$355,884 TOTAL $&5,982,461 <br /> Cedar Grove Conditioned Storage <br /> • Need to move storage out of EAG for <br /> pcteritial reusa of EAG <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> dg NCMUH tsekRC)11NA <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Travis Myren said the Emergency Services Headquarters could be advanced, but would <br /> 5 put additional pressure on the tax rate. <br /> 6 Commissioner Fowler asked if there is any inflation accounted for the SHSC project. <br /> 7 Travis Myren said will continue to receive Medicaid maximization revenue so they will add <br /> 8 to the balance. <br /> 9 Chair Bedford asked if funds were needed for plans to figure out which to do first. <br /> 10 Travis Myren said the first stakeholder meeting is scheduled for April 25th and will give a <br /> 11 better sense of if planning money is needed next year. <br /> 12 Chair Bedford asked about the dam on page 78. She said she was a brand new <br /> 13 commissioner when they first discovered that and it has gone through extensive repairs to make <br /> 14 it safe. She asked if it is safe to wait 3 years on this project. <br /> 15 Cy Stober said the current project includes a survey of the property and replacement of <br /> 16 the intake tower. He said that the NC dam safety program reviews it every year and they have <br /> 17 continued to maintain an adequate rating from that agency. He said that they will be eligible for <br /> 18 some grant funds and they will be sought. <br /> 19 Chair Bedford said it would be valuable to put $300,000 forward now for Emergency <br /> 20 Services to get started. She said that could be her number 1 project. She said on page 82 there <br /> 21 is a roof mentioned and she asked if it could be delayed. <br /> 22 Angel Barnes, Capital Projects Manager, said it is currently at end of life and they have <br /> 23 pushed it out and it is time to do it. <br /> 24 Commissioner Fowler asked why there were no years one or two on that page. <br /> 25 Travis Myren said there are just no projects scheduled for the first two years of the CIP. <br /> 26 Chair Bedford said on page 88 the Rogers Road Community Center is listed and she <br /> 27 hopes the towns will agree to a cost-sharing agreement for the center. <br /> 28 Commissioner Richards said that it was originally built with a cost-sharing agreement. <br /> 29 Bonnie Hammersley said there was a cost-sharing agreement in place to build it. <br /> 30 <br />