Orange County NC Website
SKYMA)( SIECU\RiifV G!UHJJP, 1"8C. <br />600 Eas\ B Street 1/D6 Butner, NC 27509 <br />Tel. (919) 890-3076 - Fax. (919) 400-4820 <br />E•Mall: l'it•h111•d(11)sh)111111 ,sr.e111'1ty�1·1111 p,eom <br />Website:\ QUOTATION Ji'OR SECURITY SERVICE Dllte: May' I , 2024 To: O1•ange County Asset Management 306 Revet•e Road Hillsbornugh NC 27278 Phone: (919) 245-2630 Job Loclltlon: Eno Rive1• Pat·klng Deck Hillsbornugh, NC I appt·eciate yoUt' asking us to quote, us you t•equested het•e's out• official qL1otatlon for fumlshlng secul'ity gual'd services, CLASSIFI CA TIO NS HOURLY RATE (A)SECURITY GUARD & PATROL (UNARMED)(B)SECURITY GUARD & PATROL (ARMED)$40,00 -Flat 1°ate $-------(C)FIR E GUARD $-------TOTAL BILLING RATE PER HOUR == $40,00 NOTE: The l'ate Is valid for the dut'allon of the cont1•act, any additional se1·vlces will be cha1•ged separately, holidays arn bllled a time and half, Invoices are due upon presentation and pa>•ments ai•e by no means contingent on receipt of payment from third pa1·tles, Time 1·equlrn-Mutually decided on 1°ecelpt of lette1· of Intent. Invoice ove1· 30 days are subject to late olmges fee, Service may be suspended upon nonpayment. Skymax Secul'lty wlll not be held liable fol' the negligence acts, e1·1·01·s, 01· omissions of the client. The nbove cnptioned p1•oposnl is HACCEPTED 11 YES ___ Ol' NO __ _ Ni1me Signntu!'e Title Please sign i1nd em nil to dl'-11111·d@skymaxsce111'ityg1· DocuSign Envelope ID: F9239A8C-7A63-4068-B17E-5FC2B3E0876B