Orange County NC Website
O <br />Multi-family Services Fee = $14/improved property unit with multi-family services <br />available at each aparhnent dwelling wait, occupied or not. Mobile home parks are <br />proposed to be billed for each mobile home occupying a lot, not for unoccupied lots as <br />declared by the park owner in the required amrual statement to Orange County, <br />Each improved property unit will receive the $36 (B) fee. Those improved property <br />units within one of the other t(rree service areas will also receive a second fee drat is <br />additive to the (B) fee. <br />Note: Due to a pr°ojected surplus of tipping, fee revenue over Imulftll operating expenses <br />for the next five years, staff believes it passible to maintain the above, fee strrrckn•e for <br />five,year•s vvitTrout adjustment. hr FY X009/10 the tipping,fee r°evenue surpluses will no <br />longer be available and significant fee incr°eases will be likely, <br />Statement of Assumptions <br />The following is a compilation of fundamental assumptions related to the 10-Year <br />financial analysis of the solid waste enterprise fiord and calculations of anticipated <br />revenue shortfall. The assumptions are organized in the following categories: <br />General <br />Revenues <br />Expenditures <br />Reserves <br />Programs/Services <br />Fee Customer Classes <br />Fee Calculations <br />GENERAL ASSUMPTIONS <br />• Supplemental financing is essential for FY 2004/05 in order to continue existing <br />services/programs. <br />• 10-Year Plan Financial Analysis corresponds to 10-Year Solid Waste Management <br />Plan submitted to State, with year 1 being 2003/04. <br />• Fee will be transmitted on the annual property tax bill, listed separately as a Waste <br />Reduction Reuse and Rec r} clnre Fee. <br />• The Waste Reduction, Reuse, and Recycling Fee (WRRRF) will be adopted in <br />conjunction with the FY 2004/05 budget process and included on the 2004 tax bills <br />mailed in .July/August 2004. <br />• County Public Works Sanitation Division operations/estimates of revenue or <br />expenditures are not included in the WRRRF model. <br />• A WI2RRF' appeal process will be established as part of a schedule of values to <br />efficiently address citizen billing questions/problems. <br />• For reference, the average property tax bill for' a Chapel Hill resident is $4,.3.36.50. <br />The proposed $75 fee (B plus U) represents 1.7 percent of that average tax bill. The <br />