Agenda - 04-13-2004-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-13-2004
Agenda - 04-13-2004-9c
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8/29/2008 3:37:35 PM
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8/29/2008 10:40:31 AM
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a~~ <br />Page 2 <br />February 7, 2003 <br />Agreement further contemplates that the system will be operated <br />as an "enterprise" and that the County has discretion in setting <br />rates, fees and charges. There is an overriding limit on this <br />discretion., The County may not put into effect any Material <br />Financing Change unless the County first obtains the consent of <br />all the parties to the Agreement. Since the financing <br />alternatives discussed here will not, in my mind, affect a <br />Material Financial Change, that limitation on operational <br />control of the system does not pertain. The notion that the <br />County's solid waste system will be operated as an enterprise, <br />is also the solid waste system method of preference in State <br />law. Chapter 130A of the North Carolina General Statutes, which <br />mandates that each county and municipality operate solid waste <br />management systems and provide for' their financing states that <br />counties and municipalities are encouraged to operate their <br />solid waste management systems through use of an enterprise <br />fund. <br />The fee options that have been presented to the Solid Waste <br />Advisory Board, to the Manager and to me fall into the category <br />of "other fees" in the Agreement. Generally, these fees may be <br />created or changed by the County by giving the other parties to <br />the Agreement thirty days notice of the fee or the proposed fee <br />change. If the Solid Waste Advisory Board recommends the change <br />be approved, then the change can take effect if the County <br />subsequently approves it. If the Solid Waste Advisory Board <br />recommends that the change not be approved, then the change may <br />take effect only if the County and at least one other party to <br />the Agreement approves the change. <br />"Other fees" do not include taxes. That is, the Agreement <br />does not prohibit funding the solid waste system with taxes. <br />However, since the solid waste management system is to be <br />operated as an enterprise, the only taxes that fit the model are <br />district taxes, The Agreement expressly provides that special <br />district tastes related to the system are not covered by the <br />Agreement. However the Agreement notes, correctly, that North <br />Carolina law requires consent of a town for the property located <br />in the town to be included in any special tax district. Once a <br />town consents, then the county controls the special district <br />tax, in its discretion. <br />
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