Agenda - 04-13-2004-9c
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-13-2004
Agenda - 04-13-2004-9c
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8/29/2008 3:37:35 PM
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8/29/2008 10:40:31 AM
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13 <br />before May .30. Depending on the scope of possible modifications of various <br />assumptions by the BOCC and progress toward completion of the development of the <br />billing database, tax bill distribution maybe delayed or billings may Ue made less <br />accurate <br />Interlocal Agreement Obligations <br />The Interlocal Agreement allows Orazige County considerable flexibility and discretion <br />regarding system financing. The section of the agreement titled "Other Fees" seems to <br />apply to the WRRRF proposal. Staff provides a summary of how this section of the <br />Interlocal Agreement may apply as follows: <br />• County must give the parties at least 30 days notice of the effective date of the <br />proposed fee <br />• County must request that the SWAB consider the proposed fee and, if the SWAB <br />approves the fee, then the fee will be considered fully approved when the BOCC <br />subsequently approves it <br />• If the SWAB disapproves of the fee, then the fee may take effect only if the County <br />and at least one other Party subsequently approves it <br />• The fee will take effect at the end of the notice period, or, if later, the date of the last <br />Governing Body approval necessary <br />Next Steps <br />BOCC to review recozmmendation and provide addition guidance and direction to <br />staff regarding fee reconunendation and assumptions. <br />Staff from Land Records, Tax Collection, Tax Assessor, County Attorney, <br />Information Systems and Solid Waste will continue to: <br />• prepare and refine the billing database and reconciling PIN numbers with service <br />area addresses for each of the service sectors <br />• work out necessary policies/practices regarding collection for non-payment <br />• develop detailed schedule of values relative to who/what/when how fee <br />assessments are determined and applied <br />• consider how the tax bill document can be modified to plainly list the fee along <br />with a possible insert explaining the fee <br />• examine the process for inclusion the portion of Chapel Hill falling within <br />Durham County <br />• develop an appeals process to consider citizen complaints/inquiries <br />• consider other legal issues as necessary <br />Following BOCC endorsement of the staff recommendation, to initiate a <br />comprehensive public education and outreach campaign <br />Staff is available to answer questions or discuss any aspect of the recommendation. <br />Il <br />
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