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<br /> <br />2 | Confidential and Proprietary <br /> MORE INFORMATION AT CENTRALSQUARE.COM <br />The goal of Central Square is to minimize downtime for production systems. Estimates of downtime listed in this <br />document are determined using typical averages and will vary based on customer environment and technologies <br />available. Actual downtime may be significantly less or more than the estimates provided herein but will always be as <br />short as possible for production systems. Please work with your assigned Technical Engineer from Central Square to <br />address specific application priorities for your organization. <br />Central Square makes every effort to provide concise and complete and helpful information regarding the steps required <br />for each migration and for third-party software and devices used with Central Square software solutions. This document <br />may contain information regarding steps or actions that are covered in the scope of a typical migration, but which may <br />not apply to your specific situation. You may also find information regarding compatibility and upgrade requirements for <br />third-party software and/or hardware products used with our solutions. If these conditions apply to your environment, <br />please pay special attention to these statements. We are happy to provide this information as a courtesy and work to <br />provide the most up-to-date information available to us at the time but cannot accept responsibility for third party <br />product compatibility. <br />The following Servers will be rehosted from their current Operating Systems and SQL Server Versions to the latest <br />supported Operating Systems and SQL Server versions for the products. <br />Note: In some cases, SQL Server versions must match between certain server groups – example of these being SQL <br />Replication partners, SQL Server versions per product across installed instances (i.e., Production and Test must match for <br />refresh purposes), SQL Server versions for integrated products within a product line, SQL Cluster nodes: <br />Detailed Outline <br /> <br />The technical services will include the following: <br /> <br />• Server Preparation – Third party vendors shall provide necessary hardware and software, including installation <br />and configuration of such components prior to the scheduled date of delivery. The hardware environment must <br />meet the specifications and services proposal data stated herein or incorporated by reference. The configuration <br />shall present virtual machines running Windows 2016 or later Operating System for installation, configuration of <br />Central Square software solutions. <br /> <br />• Preparation/Follow-up <br />o Preparation <br /> Validation of existing client services and systems in place <br /> Review and document current configuration for relevant systems <br /> Create execution plan. <br /> Verification of valid domain credentials, access & functionality <br />o Follow up. <br /> Review any unresolved issues. <br /> Update CentralSquare documentation <br /> <br />• RMS Migration <br />o Preparation <br /> Data cleanup– identify and remove old software versions, unused temporary files, old backups, <br />etc. <br /> Configuration review <br /> Documentation of configuration changes needed. <br />o Migration <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: D6B843A1-D9CE-48A6-9AFC-B74245BBA0FB