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2 <br />For the last three years, the Board has postponed formal adoption of a long-range capital plan <br />for a variety of reasons, including the budget crisis caused by State revenue reductions two <br />years ago and the budgetary uncertainties derived therefrom ever since. Instead of adopting <br />the entire long-range plan, the Board has chosen to approve funding, by individual capital <br />project ordinances, in the first year of each plan without affirming projects included in years two <br />through ten of the plan, The unadopted CIP, as reflected in the Manager's Recommended CIP <br />document, has served as a general guide for future capital project planning instead, with no <br />specific funding appropriations made except for those in the then-current fiscal year, <br />The mutual approval of the Schools Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (SAPFO) in the <br />summer of 2003 by the County, Towns, and school systems places a responsibility on the <br />BOCC to formally adopt aten-year Capital Investment Plan that addresses identified needs <br />based on projected student membership and school capacities. This requirement heightens the <br />need for the BOCC to affirm long-range projects to indicate to our SAPFO partners -the Towns <br />of Carrboro, Chapel Hill and Hillsborough, along with both school boards -that concrete plans <br />are in place to ensure that adequate additional school capacity will be brought on line in a timely <br />way that satisfies the provisions of SAPFO, <br />Attachments to this abstract include tables of County and School projects that were included in <br />the Recommended 2003-13 CIP, The tables are footnoted to reflect the degree (full, partial, or <br />none) to which designated funding for each project has already been appropriated for FY 2003- <br />04 by means of a BOCC-approved capital project ordinance, The tables also reflect several <br />changes that the Board discussed and agreed to since May 2003, For example, CHCCS High <br />School #3 was included in the CHCCS Board of Education Approved CIP at approximately <br />$33.6 million, Since the Board of Education submitted that particular request, the BOCC has <br />agreed to fund the school at $27,8 million for land and construction plus an additional $2,2 <br />million (assuming the BOCC and Board of Education reach agreement on the implementation of <br />an appropriate set of "smart growth initiatives") that would increase the total budget of the <br />phase 1 high school project to $30 million, <br />Staff have prepared a table showing a "tiered" approach to GIP adoption that may be helpful to <br />the Board, if time to address this topic is limited at this meeting, <br />Following BOCC discussion and direction, staff will prodtace and distribute (in accordance with <br />the SAPFO Memoranda of Understanding) copies of an adopted CIP document that reflects the <br />updated list of long-range projects to be included far the 2003-13 planning period, <br />While disa~ssion at this BOCC meeting is focused on finalizing the 2003-2013 CIP, staff have <br />also begun development of the Manager's 2004-14 Recommended CIP, The calendar below <br />outlines planned milestones related to the 2004-14 CIP process: <br />May 5, 2004 Manager's Recommended 2004-14 <br /> County Capital Investment Plan presented <br /> to BOCC as art of Bud et Work Session <br />May 20, 2004 Manager's Recommended 2004-14 <br /> School Capital Investment Plan presented <br /> to BOCC following presentation of <br /> Manager's Recommended 2004-05 <br /> O eratin Bud et <br />