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<br />Select Medical WorkStrategies P a g e | 10 <br />year’s experience on the job should be a baseline requirement for Job Experts selected for the <br />panel. <br /> Represent the various “functional areas” and/or shifts of the position. Many positions have <br />more than one location or “work area” or even different shifts, where job duties may differ. <br /> Include between 10% and 20% supervisors for a given position. For example, if a seven to ten <br />person Job Expert panel is used; one to two supervisors should be included on the panel. <br /> <br />During the workshop, Select Medical consultants work with the Job Experts to refine the list of job duties <br />and physical requirements until a consensus is achieved. This results in a master, consolidated list that <br />reflects the majority opinion of the group. <br /> <br />The contents of the master list are then inputted into the PAVE software, whi ch yields a physical ability test <br />event and a survey for Job Experts (incumbent workers, supervisors, plant managers, etc.) to complete in <br />order to validate the test event. A representative sample of Job Experts completes the survey during an on - <br />site, in-person demonstration. The Job Experts will indicate the importance of the job duties that have been <br />identified in the test event, and the frequency that those job duties are performed. These same Job Experts <br />would also provide similar ratings of the physical requirements that have also been identified. <br /> <br />Once the job analysis process for the target positions has been completed, and if the findings support the <br />validity of the testing process, PAVE will generate a full, validated physical ability test report d esigned to <br />address the federal Uniform Guidelines, which can serve as the legal defense of the test. This report will <br />include information about which important job duties are performed by those who hold the target job, as <br />well as the physical abilities that are needed to perform those duties. Select Medical encourages the <br />company to arrange a testing demonstration of the employment test prior to full implementation so that <br />test criteria can be discussed and agreed upon. <br /> <br />Components of the test can include (some tests on this list are optional dependent on employer needs): <br /> Medical History Interview: comprehensive interview conducted by clinic staff which collects <br />information on test candidate’s orthopedic and medical history as well as allowing them to iden tify <br />any limitations or restrictions they have and request any accommodation. <br /> Cardiovascular status: resting blood pressure and heart rate taken for safety screening <br /> Musculoskeletal Evaluation Screening: focused on collection of baseline information regarding with <br />over 50 analytical measures including posture, range of motion, strength, reflexes, flexibility, joint <br />mobility, joint integrity throughout the body <br /> Static Strength Testing: isometric testing including standard grip measures. The static testing can <br />be expanded to include five (5) position grip measures and pinch strength measures if there is a high <br />incidence of repetitive hand motion found in job site analysis or company has high incidence of <br />carpal tunnel claims. <br /> Aerobic Capacity Baseline testing: three (3) minute step testing protocol to determine aerobic <br />capacity classification of test candidate. <br /> Dynamic Strength Testing (Lifts): Maximal lift testing performed in up to four (4) different positions <br />(floor to knuckle, 12” to knuckle, knuckle to shoulder and shoulder to overhead) to determine if <br />client is able to safely qualify for the physical demand level of the job. Capable/non -capable safe <br />lifting criteria set based on data collected during the job analysis regarding job lifting requirements . <br /> Job Specific Testing: testing designed to simulate the essential functions of the job which may <br />include material handling (occasional or continuous lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling) or <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FFA73DD9-C106-407B-89D5-4182E5B591FE