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<br />Select Medical WorkStrategies P a g e | 9 <br />Identification of Job Positions <br />The employer designates the job positions for which the employment testing program will apply. It is <br />not necessary to set up testing for every job within your company. Many companies will choose to <br />target the job positions that are the most physically demanding, have the highest injury incidence or <br />have the highest turn-over rates. <br /> <br />The primary goal of the onsite job analysis is to identify physical or biomechanical demands that are <br />routinely encountered by workers in each job title. The WorkStrategies Specialist will quantify the <br />repetitive, strength and agility requirements of these tasks. Sources of data may be actual <br />measurement of product weights for materials routinely handled or review of historical activity reports <br />and training schedules. The primary determinant of the amount of time that needs to be spent on site <br />is how long it would take to assess the number of jobs identified by your company with typically two to <br />four hours spent per job title. If a current job analysis is available, then this data will be reviewed and <br />the job site visit will include the confirmation of data in the given JSA. <br /> <br />Test Criteria Development <br />We anticipate it will be possible to identify essential job functions that will comprise a job related <br />physical ability test battery for your company. This test battery would be based on the data gathered <br />during the onsite visit related to physically-demanding essential functions. Based on the onsite job <br />analysis information, test criteria will be drafted for each job title (typically less than one hour <br />development time per job) and submitted to the employer for validation/signature. Select Medical <br />encourages the employer to arrange a testing demonstration of the employment test prior to full <br />implementation so test criteria can be discussed and agreed upon. <br /> <br />PAVE Validation: WorkSTEPS recently introduced the first automated, online physical abilities va lidation <br />tool on the market. PAVE, an acronym for Physical Ability Validity Evaluator, automates the test <br />creation process for physical ability tests for nearly all positions and offers unprecedented legal <br />defensibility to employers. PAVE yields a validated report that specifically links the process used to <br />validate the physical demands of the position to the requirements set forth by the federal Uniform <br />Guidelines of Employee Selection Procedures, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the <br />1990 Americans with Disabilities Act as amended. The addition of PAVE has provided an unprecedented <br />degree of legal defensibility to the WorkSTEPS testing program, already recognized as an industry gold - <br />standard. <br /> <br />The Select Medical consultant meets onsite with a representative sample of Job Experts from the <br />positions that were targeted for job analysis and for which job analysis has been conducted. Job Experts <br />are qualified job incumbents who perform and/or supervise the targeted jobs. The following criteria are <br />presented as guidelines for selecting the members of the panel. The Job Experts chosen should: <br /> <br /> Collectively represent the demographics of the employee population (with respect to gender, <br />age, race, years of experience, etc.). It is a good idea to slightly ove r-sample gender and ethnic <br />groups to ensure adequate representation in the job analysis process. <br /> Be experienced and currently active in the position they represent (e.g., Job Experts should not <br />be on probationary status/temporarily assigned to the position). While seasoned Job Experts will <br />often have a good understanding of the position, it is also beneficial to include relatively <br />inexperienced Job Experts to integrate the “newcomer’s perspective.” However, at least one <br />DocuSign Envelope ID: FFA73DD9-C106-407B-89D5-4182E5B591FE