Orange County NC Website
911 Emergency Telephone System Fund($115,031) - Fund 35 <br /> Revenues for this project: <br /> Current FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 <br /> FY 2023-24 Amendment Revised <br /> Subscriber Fees $578,160 $0 $578,160 <br /> Appropriated Fund Balance $19,900 $115,031 $134,931 <br /> Total Project Funding $598,060 $115,031 $713,091 <br /> Appropriated for this project: <br /> Current FY 2023-24 FY 2023-24 <br /> FY 2023-24 Amendment Revised <br /> 911 Emergency Telephone System Fund $598,060 $115,031 $713,091 <br /> Total Costs $598,060 $115,031 $713,091 <br /> SOCIAL JUSTICE IMPACT: The following Orange County Social Justice Goal is applicable to <br /> this item: <br /> • GOAL: CREATE A SAFE COMMUNITY <br /> The reduction of risks from vehicle/traffic accidents, childhood and senior injuries, gang <br /> activity, substance abuse, and domestic violence. <br /> The implementation of this alerting system will reduce fire and EMS response times by reducing <br /> the time necessary to dispatch emergency calls for service. <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: There is no Orange County Environmental Responsibility Goal <br /> impact associated with this item. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board: <br /> 1. Approve the purchase of the US Digital Designs Phoenix G2 Alerting System and authorize <br /> the Manager to sign the contract and any amendments or extensions to the contract; and <br /> 2. Approve Budget Amendment #6-B. <br />