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APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS 5.1.24 <br /> 398 that we didn't ask be included in open space but ask that the design consider maintaining those trees as lot <br /> 399 features, like not put them in septic or roadway. Simply mature trees, very few of them, on the property and <br /> 400 would probably increase the property value as well. That's our primary concern, the number of wells and septic <br /> 401 tanks, seems like an awful lot in that area. We've asked the question to staff and to the developer, and so far it <br /> 402 doesn't sound like there is an answer. Will that many wells being drilled in that area have an impact on our <br /> 403 water? That's our question. Thank you for letting me speak. <br /> 404 <br /> 405 Chair Beeman explained his personal experience of going through septic permitting and Mr. Koch reiterated that <br /> 406 the a soil study was preformed to determine the preliminary information on septic sites and that permitting will be <br /> 407 required for each lot. <br /> 408 <br /> 409 Phil Koch: I would like to address one thing in regards to the trees. The trees that will have to get taken <br /> 410 out, and the only thing that we would be actually, definitely taking out is what's in the roadway and right of way to <br /> 411 build the road and what has to come out for the SCMs. Whatever's on the lot, if it can stay there, they have not <br /> 412 set the house locations. Those house locations are conceptual in nature right now, so it is possible that they <br /> 413 could, in fact,fit houses in between trees. So, by no means are we saying we're tearing out all the trees that exist <br /> 414 there. We can only show that area is subject to development because it's part of a lot. <br /> 415 <br /> 416 Lamar Proctor: And, to ask the question directly, has there been any hydrology study to determine the <br /> 417 answer to Mr. Cox's question? Regarding wells. <br /> 418 <br /> 419 Phil Koch: No. Because, again, you're using guidelines. I'm relying on Alan Clapp'sjudgment. Right? <br /> 42o His professional judgment. I have no reason to suspect Mr. Clapp's judgment is not good given that he worked <br /> 421 for the County for years. We don't anticipate any problem. In fact, even if you look at the State guidelines for how <br /> 422 close wells can be together, this would not typically be a problem. So, the Orange County's guidelines for well <br /> 423 placement in relation to each other, is actually stricter than the State guidelines. <br /> 424 <br /> 425 Mr. Stober explained that there is a USGS ground water assessment for the County providing some guidance. <br /> 426 <br /> 427 Lamar Proctor: Got it. I didn't know if there were any examples of multiple well drillings that affected <br /> 428 adversely surrounding properties in Orange County. <br /> 429 <br /> 430 Cy Stober: Not to my knowledge. I do know of wells going dry, but they're on a case-by-case basis, <br /> 431 and they're all in different locations in the County, and seem to be situational. But I will say with a caveat, I'm not <br /> 432 a hydrogeologist. I don't work at the Department of Environmental Health. <br /> 433 <br /> 434 Adam Beeman: People visualize it as a giant lake under the ground, and we've put 19 straws in it, and that's <br /> 435 not what we're doing. We're not putting 19 straws in the same pool. You're crushing the rock and that water's <br /> 436 filtrating and piling up in that tube and you're not necessarily tapping into the same pool that everybody's into. <br /> 437 And I think that's the hard part for people to get around their head, is that we don't just put 19 straws into the <br /> 438 same cup. <br /> 439 <br /> 440 MOTION BY Chris Johnston to approve the Concept Plan. Seconded by Steve Kauffman. <br /> 441 <br /> 442 MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. <br /> 443 <br /> 444 Lamar Proctor: And, can I make a second motion to ask the Planning Department and Board of County <br /> 445 Commissioners to consider the preservation of Stroud's Creek in the continuing development of this parcel? Or <br /> 446 how should I phrase that? My idea is given the parks and environmental concerns about Stroud's Creek and <br />