4_3_24 Planning Board Minutes
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
4_3_24 Planning Board Minutes
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5/21/2024 3:10:28 PM
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5/21/2024 3:09:23 PM
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Advisory Bd. Minutes
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4-3-24 PB Agenda Packet
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APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS 5.1.24 <br /> 249 Statler Gilfillen: Looking at the land as a practical matter, I'm looking at the end of the driveway, there's a <br /> 250 circle there. It's going to a pond, and it goes immediately to the owner's property's line. If somebody were <br /> 251 walking a dog back there were injured, an emergency vehicle had to get in, that pond would restrict their access <br /> 252 up to there. <br /> 253 <br /> 254 Phil Koch: There's going to be some modifications and find a way out just from the standpoint of <br /> 255 addressing items with the County there, but honestly, there is room between that pond to actually have the trail <br /> 256 system come directly off that and still beside the property line there and have adequate width. <br /> 257 <br /> 258 Delores Bailey: Were the work that the DOT did and the studies that they did, they were done during busy <br /> 259 times and slow times as well? <br /> 260 <br /> 261 Cy Stober: The trip generation, they take a baseline and they look at peak volume, and so peak hours <br /> 262 are rush hour. I think it's 4 to 6 in the afternoon, and I can't remember if 7 to 9 or 6 to 8 in the morning, and then <br /> 263 that's when they generally look at road conditions, and then there's a baseline for off-peak conditions, and that's <br /> 264 how they calculate the volume on the road, the current traffic that's generated on the road. They put out the <br /> 265 rubber tubes, and they do that on a cycle. I think it's every 3 years. I don't know when Miller Road was last <br /> 266 counted. <br /> 267 <br /> 268 Lamar Proctor: So, Minnick Road is the private road to the south. And that just remains a private road, and <br /> 269 then the Department of Environment identified Stroud's Creek that runs along the north and the eastern edge of <br /> 270 the property. And it delineates it as highest conservation value, 10 of 10, so I'm just wondering if you could <br /> 271 describe what measures and how did you design this site plan to avoid interference with Stroud's Creek and <br /> 272 preserve its biodiversity and integrity. <br /> 273 <br /> 274 Phil Koch: So, they have a specific distance they prefer you to try stay off of that. We exceed that <br /> 275 in virtually every spot except for right at the very corner with where the one SCM is, SCM being structural or <br /> 276 stormwater control measure, that's by the cul-de-sac, and again, it may still not go into that distance with it's <br /> 277 finally designed. I overestimated in general the size of the SCMs because I typically take into account the <br /> 278 amount of water that we're required to hold, plus what I expect for back slopes. So, rather than turning around <br /> 279 and doing what a lot of people do and just take the amount of water, throw that on there and that's it. <br /> 280 <br /> 281 Lamar Proctor: Are there trails back there, and will they be open to the public? <br /> 282 <br /> 283 Phil Koch: There is nothing back there right now. The intent is work with the County. They have <br /> 284 already spoken someone in the County about this. Any trails that would go back there, we would work with the <br /> 285 County on where they should be placed in order to prevent any damage to wildlife, et cetera that might be back <br /> 286 there. <br /> 287 <br /> 288 Lamar Proctor: I just imagined that as people move in with the surrounding houses that are there that that <br /> 289 space may actually get more use as walking trails, or low impact or- <br /> 290 <br /> 291 Phil Koch: And that's probable. I mean, that's what has happened at my house as well. But again, the <br /> 292 one thing that helps here is the separation of the Duke Power easement of the lots from that area. It helps protect <br /> 293 that area because there's nothing they can do from a standpoint of building back that way, or creating anything <br /> 294 other than pedestrian traffic back there. <br /> 295 <br /> 296 Lamar Proctor: So you're unable to develop or build on the north and the far eastern portion. <br /> 297 <br />
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