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APPROVED WITH CORRECTIONS 5.1.24 <br /> 497 southern parcel line and a 30 foot Type B landscape buffer is provided on the western property line along <br /> 498 Lawrence Road. Access is being provided by a 50-foot public right of way, and the site will also be served by <br /> 499 individual wells and septics. For existing conditions on this site, and we do have the larger Lawrence Road site, <br /> 500 here, for review tonight. So please be mindful the actual subdivision, being located down here in this quadrant. <br /> 501 There's an existing tree line. There is also a stream located on the existing site that would require a 65-foot <br /> 502 buffer. I was going to move on to the site analysis, zoomed in to the actual site, the actual parcel related to the <br /> 503 subdivision. You can see the stream here, as well as a 65-foot stream buffer. The lighter yellow includes areas <br /> 504 with a slope of 7.5 to 15 percent, and this pink-reddish color here includes a slope of greater than 25 percent. <br /> 505 The Primary Open Space totals 1.09 acres, and includes the stream. The stream buffer area and the little pocket <br /> 506 of slope, there. The Secondary Open Space totals 8.86 acres and includes the areas around the proposed lots <br /> 507 along the northern end,the western side, and the southern side of the site and includes the remaining areas. It's <br /> 508 been identified by yellow for slope. And then, here, we have the Concept Plan. We can see the 15 lots, the lot <br /> 509 lines, possible building location footprints. Wells are identified by the blue dots. Potential septic areas are <br /> 510 identified by the green polka dots at the rear of the lots. We can also see the 50-foot public right of way that is <br /> 511 being proposed to provide access to all the proposed single-family homes, and that does include an 18-foot <br /> 512 travel way that will be in that public right of way. Finally, there is also 20-foot wide pedestrian access corridor, <br /> 513 which will be connected to the cul-de-sac, running north to connect to the northern parcel, which would be the <br /> 514 future home of the recreational facilities that were affiliated with SUP that was approved by the Board of <br /> 515 Adjustment. We have the Preliminary Plat, which you'll notice is very similar to the Concept Plan on the last <br /> 516 slide. Again,we can see the lot lines. We can see the setbacks that are being proposed based on the R1 zoning <br /> 517 district. Landscape buffer is being identified on the western side, as well as the southern side of the parcel. <br /> 518 Stream and stream buffer and stormwater control measures are being identified here with circles, on the <br /> 519 Preliminary Plat. The Preliminary Plat also identifies 20-foot-wide drainage and access easements along the <br /> 520 northern part of the parcel here. It kind of cuts between these two lots along the southern side of the proposed <br /> 521 lots. The Concept Plan for this application was presented at the January 18th DAC. The Preliminary Plat was <br /> 522 presented at the February 15th DAC. Comments are provided in your agenda packets. The Neighborhood <br /> 523 Information Meeting was coordinated by the applicant and held on February 13th. The NIM report is in your <br /> 524 packets as well. This is where we kind of get a little different from the last application and what Taylor hinted at <br /> 525 earlier this evening. Tonight, you will receive and review the Concept Plan; approve the Flexible Development <br /> 526 Option; and then you'll be looking at reviewing the Preliminary Plat and providing a recommendation on the <br /> 527 Preliminary Plat to the BOCC. The Planning Director recommendation in front of you tonight, is to receive and <br /> 528 discuss the Concept Plan application; approve the Flexible Development Option contained in Attachment 1; and <br /> 529 then receive the Preliminary Plat application and recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, as submitted. <br /> 530 <br /> 531 Statler Gilfillen: I am the Eno Village representative to the Planning Board. Lawrence Road is a street. It's <br /> 532 one of the only bypasses of Hillsborough, and we're all aware of the traffic congestion and the problems that we <br /> 533 have. Each time that you add a new access to Lawrence Road, you begin to control or potentially even make it <br /> 534 more dangerous going up and down Lawrence Road. I have some serious qualms, not with the development <br /> 535 itself, with providing two immediate accesses to Lawrence Road. When I look at this, as a licensed architect, <br /> 536 with over 40 years of experience in planning and design, why it is really necessary to design this to have two <br /> 537 accesses that close together, with individual cars coming out of each one of those streets will slow and congest <br /> 538 the traffic along Lawrence Road? I have serious problems with the design as it's presented, not the concept of <br /> 539 what he's trying to do. Thank you. <br /> 540 <br /> 541 Phil Koch: So I'm very familiar with layout from the SUP, as well as from this, and the two things are <br /> 542 actually separate items, and the DOT has required turn lanes for the access that's above, that's going into the <br /> 543 ball field area, play area, all of that that is involved in the athletic association and a separate entrance here. And <br /> 544 they have reviewed this entrance.They are in agreement that this is the best spot for the entrance. I have looked <br /> 545 at it with them out on the site. They have actually stated this, I believe, even when the SUP was going through <br /> 546 that this was an acceptable entrance, and now they've come back, and they've met with us in the field and said <br />