Orange County NC Website
~~ <br />Membership and Charge <br />The IPWG's charge is almost identical to that proposed in the .IMRP report <br />recommendations listed above: <br />Charge <br />To build on the momentum of the .Joint Mnster Recreatiar mrd Pm'ks' Work Group process by <br />nccomplishing the follorving <br />/ To gad~er, exchange and share it formation on pm'kr planing and deve/opmertt in die nrvnicipalities <br />mrd Comity <br />2 To mnintain and update the hrventory oJParks mrd Recreation Facilities developer) ns pm't of the Join) <br />Mnster Recreation and Parks report, including new properties acquired or dedicated <br />3 To foster cmnnunricntion behveen the municipalities mrd County on firnue opporharities mrd <br />collaborative venuues' <br />4. To provide n coordinating mechmrism jar updates' to parks and recreation plnrrs in each jvrirdictimr <br />5 To review and it form dre rnmicipnlitie-r and Comrty concerniag parks needs and potential <br />opporfnnities <br />( To develop parameters, for parks stmrdnrdr (leavingJlecibility jor dre ncuml stnndnrdr to vnrl~ from <br />jurisdiction to jurisdiction within these parameters) <br />7 To develop nnrl coordinate public education mrd public ouu'euch on parks issuer (coordinated <br />brochures, etc) <br />The Work Group included 17 members, appointed as follows: <br />• Orange County Recreation and Parks Advisory Council <br />• Chapel Hill Parks and Recreation Commission or Greenways Commission <br />• Carrboro Parks and Recreation Board <br />• Hillsborough Parks and Recreation Board <br />• OWASA Board of Directors <br />• University of Nordr Carolina <br />• Duke Forest Resource Manager <br />• Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Board of Education (or designee of Board) <br />• Orange County Schools Board of Education (or designee of Board) <br />• Otange County Board of Commissioners (or designee of Board) <br />• Carrboro Board of Aldermen (or designee of Board) <br />• Chapel Hill Town Council (or designee of Board) <br />• Hillsborough Board of Commissioners (or designee of IIoard) <br />• Mebane City Council (or designee of Board) <br />• Orange County Commission for the Environment <br />• Triangle Land Conservancy <br />• Eno River Association <br />Staff for the Work Group included representatives from all ,jurisdictions. Orange County <br />assumed the coordinating role for agendas and administrative support. <br />When the IPWG was appointed, the group was created with a term of three years, ending <br />June .30, 200.3. Throughout its existence, members appointed from the above <br />organizations have attended three Work Group meetings per year (February, May and <br />October). In each year, continuation of a meeting led to a fourth meeting being held. <br />